Its all a question of là gì

Why does it rain? why does it hurt? Photo by Erik Brolin

“A question of time” = chỉ là vấn đề thời gian (mà thôi) -> nghĩa là điều không thể tránh được và sớm muộn cũng sẽ xảy ra'.

Ví dụ

"I mean, I do want people to be calm, because we're going to win this, and it's just a question of time, and I want it to go quickly.".

Bautista believes Team HRC is the place for him to become World Champion, as he said: “I think I have a really strong factory behind me to be World Champion. It’s just a question of time. I don’t know if it’ll be this season or next season but for sure we are pushing for that. It is my target and also it is Honda’s target.”

Constantinople was deeply weakened by 1453 and its eventual fall to the Ottoman Turks shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone. Its fall was inevitable (không tránh được), really only a question of time. Yet the fall of Constantinople proved to be a turning point in modern history. So, what were the consequences or effects of the fall of Constantinople?

Ka Tina

Bài trước: "Screen time" nghĩa là gì?

Xóa nợ cho Hy Lạp là không thể xảy ra. Photo courtesy Global Justice Now.

'Out of the question' có từ question là vấn đề, điều bàn đến, điều nói đến; vì thế cụm từ này nghĩa là không thể chấp nhận được, không thể được; không thực tế hay đáng để bàn đến (too impracticable or unlikely to merit discussion).

Ví dụ

'Grexit' still not out of the question.

“I have said that a classic debt haircut for me is out of the question and that has not changed between yesterday and today,” she said.

“A formal coalition is out of the question,” the Liberal Party leader said at a Winnipeg news conference.

Cease-fire out of the question unless Öcalan set free, KCK’s Bayık says.

Phạm Hạnh

Bài trước: "Out of the blue" nghĩa là gì?

Các idiom thuộc question phần giải thích tiếng anh có chút dài dòng, nhưng chúng giải thích cách dùng, tình huống phù hợp để sử dụng idiom. Ngoài phần tiếng việt tham khảo nghĩa, các bạn nên chú trọng nhiều vào phần giải nghĩa tiếng anh. Vì nó chính xác hơn.

1. BRING /THROW STH INTO QUESTION: to cause sth to become a matter for doubt and discussion. - đưa điều gì ra bàn bạc như một vấn đề quan trọng.

Ex: This case brings into question the whole purpose of the law.


COME INTO QUESTION: to become a matter for doubt and discussion.- được thảo luận bàn bạc, thành vấn đề thảo luận bàn bạc.

3. GOOD QUESTION: (informal) used to show that you do not know the answer to a question.- một vấn đề tế nhị.

Ex: "How much is all this going cost?" -
" Good question"


- that is being discussed. - đang được bàn đến.
Ex: On oneday in question we were in Cardiff.
- in doubt, uncetain. - không chăc chắn.
Ex: The furture of public transport is not in question.

5. JUST/MERELY/ONLY A QUESTION OF (STH/ DOING STH): used to say that sth is not difficult to predict, explain, do, etc...- vấn đề chỉ là...

Ex: It's merely a question of time before the business collapses.

6. OUT OF THE QUESTION: impossible or not allowed and therefore not worth discussion.- không thể bàn đến, không thể được.

Ex: Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.

7. THERE IS/WAS SOME/NO QUESTION OF ( sth happening/ sb doing sth): there is /was posibility of sth.- có/ không có khả năng.

Ex: There is no question of his/him canceling the trip so near the departure date.


- to make sb want to ask a question that has not yet been answered.- không đề cập đến vấn đề đang bàn cãi.

Ex: All of which begs the question as to who will fund the project.

- (formal)to talk about sth as if it were definitely true, eventhough it might not be.- cho rằng câu hỏi cần có câu trả lời thì đã đáp mất rồi.

Ex: These assumtions beg the question that children learn languages more easily than adult.

9. POP THE QUESTION: to ask sb to marry you- dạm hỏi/ gạ hỏi ( ai đó làm vợ)

10. A MOOD POINT/QUESTION ( British English/ North american english): a matter about which there may be disagreement or confusion. - một điểm/ vấn đề có thể bàn.

Ex: Whether this should be enforced by law or not is a mood question.

1. HAVE/KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS: ( informal, often disaproving) to be confident that you know something, especically when you actually do not. - tỏ ra sáng suốt, hiểu biết tường tận hơn người khác, (nhưng thật sự là không biết).

Ex: He thinks he knows all the answers.

2. ANSWER TO THE NAME OF SOMETHING ( especically of a pet animal) : to be called sth.- có tên là...., mang tên là...
Ex: my pet dog answers to the name of Spot

3. ANSWER/ FIT THE DESCRIPTION OF SOMEONE: to be like a particular person or thing.- giống như người/ vật được mô tả.

Ex: A child answering the description of the missing boy was found safe and well in London yesterday.

4.  NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER: to refuse to accept that sb does not want sth, will not do sth, etc.- không chấp nhận câu trả lời từ chối.

Ex: You're coming and i won't take no for an answer.

Idioms focus:

NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER: to refuse to accept that sb does not want sth, will not do sth, etc.- không chấp nhận câu trả lời từ chối.
Ex: You're coming and i won't take no for an answer.

OUT OF THE QUESTION: impossible or not allowed and therefore not worth discussion.- không thể bàn đến, không thể được.

Ex: Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.

Page 2

it's just a matter

it's just a little

it's just a dream

it's just a game

it's just a coincidence

it's just a bunch

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