Is it true or false if we are not writing super () statement in constructor then we will get error?

Inheritance in java is one of the core concepts of Object-Oriented Programming. Java Inheritance is used when we have is-a relationship between objects. Inheritance in Java is implemented using extends keyword.

Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in Java is the method to create a hierarchy between classes by inheriting from other classes.

Java Inheritance is transitive - so if Sedan extends Car and Car extends Vehicle, then Sedan is also inherited from the Vehicle class. The Vehicle becomes the superclass of both Car and Sedan.

Inheritance is widely used in java applications, for example extending the Exception class to create an application-specific Exception class that contains more information such as error codes. For example NullPointerException.

Java Inheritance Example

Every class in java implicitly extends java.lang.Object class. So Object class is at the top level of inheritance hierarchy in java.

Let’s see how to implement inheritance in java with a simple example.

Superclass: Animal

package com.journaldev.inheritance; public class Animal { private boolean vegetarian; private String eats; private int noOfLegs; public Animal(){} public Animal(boolean veg, String food, int legs){ this.vegetarian = veg; this.eats = food; this.noOfLegs = legs; } public boolean isVegetarian() { return vegetarian; } public void setVegetarian(boolean vegetarian) { this.vegetarian = vegetarian; } public String getEats() { return eats; } public void setEats(String eats) { this.eats = eats; } public int getNoOfLegs() { return noOfLegs; } public void setNoOfLegs(int noOfLegs) { this.noOfLegs = noOfLegs; } }

The Animal is the base class here. Let’s create a Cat class that inherits from Animal class.

Subclass: Cat

package com.journaldev.inheritance; public class Cat extends Animal{ private String color; public Cat(boolean veg, String food, int legs) { super(veg, food, legs); this.color="White"; } public Cat(boolean veg, String food, int legs, String color){ super(veg, food, legs); this.color=color; } public String getColor() { return color; } public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color; } }

Notice that we are using extends keyword to implement inheritance in java.

Java Inheritance Test Program

Let’s write a simple test class to create a Cat object and use some of its methods.

package com.journaldev.inheritance; public class AnimalInheritanceTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Cat cat = new Cat(false, "milk", 4, "black"); System.out.println("Cat is Vegetarian?" + cat.isVegetarian()); System.out.println("Cat eats " + cat.getEats()); System.out.println("Cat has " + cat.getNoOfLegs() + " legs."); System.out.println("Cat color is " + cat.getColor()); } }


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You can checkout more inheritance examples from our GitHub Repository.

Reference: Oracle Documentation

What happens when you don't use super () constructor?

If we call "super()" without any superclass Actually, nothing will be displayed. Since the class named Object is the superclass of all classes in Java. If you call "super()" without any superclass, Internally, the default constructor of the Object class will be invoked (which displays nothing).

Is it necessary to call super () inside a constructor?

However, using super() is not compulsory. Even if super() is not used in the subclass constructor, the compiler implicitly calls the default constructor of the superclass.

Can we use this () and super () in a constructor?

Both “super” and “this” keywords in Java can be used in constructor chaining to call another constructor. “this()” calls the no-argument constructor of the current class, and “super()” calls the no-argument constructor of the parent class.

Do you know rule for writing super () this () in a program?

In java, super keyword is used to access methods of the parent class while this is used to access methods of the current class. this keyword is a reserved keyword in java i.e, we can't use it as an identifier. It is used to refer current class's instance as well as static members.

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