Is a stress reduction technique that involves contracting and relaxing muscle groups quizlet?


being able to place oneself in a hypnotic state

autogenic training

a relaxation technique that involves a sensation of heaviness, warmth, and tingling in the limbs

How is meditation different then autogenic training

Meditation uses the mind to relax the body. Autogenic training uses the bodily sensations of heaviness and warmth to first relax the body and then expand this relaxed state to the mind by the use of imagery.



who benefits the most from autogenic training

people with an internal locus of control

Physiological Changes from autogenic training

Heart rate, respiratory rate, muscle tension, and serum-cholesterol level all decrease. Alpha brain waves and blood flow to the arms and legs increase.

Psychological effects of autogenic training

Autogenics has also been effective in treating people of all ages who experience anxiety.

autogenic training with underlying mental health problems

people with psychological problems who employ autogenics to alleviate these problems should do so in clinical situations with trained clinicians (e.g., a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist).

prerequisites for autogenic training

High motivation and cooperation.

A reasonable degree of self-direction and self-control.

Maintenance of particular body posture conducive to success (see "Body Position," below).

Reduction of external stimuli to a minimum and mental focusing on the process to the exclusion of the external environment.

Concentrated attention on the bodily sensations.

Body positions for autogenic training

lying down

in a chair with back support

in a chair without back support

autogenic reclining position

lie on your back, feet slightly apart, toes pointing away from the body. Cushion any part of the body that feels uncomfortable. Use blankets or pillows for cushioning, but be careful not to misalign the body (e.g., by using pillows under the head that make the chin almost touch the chest). Your arms should lie alongside your body but not touch it, with a slight bend at the elbows and the palms facing upward

Seated position with back support autogenic training

you buttocks should be against the back of the chair, and the seat of the chair should be long enough to support your thighs. Your arms, hands, and fingers may relax on the arms of the chair or be supported in your lap.

Seated position without back support autogenic training

it at the forward part of the chair with your arms supported on your thighs, hands and fingers dangling loosely. The head hangs loosely, with the chin near the chest. Your feet should be placed at shoulder width, slightly forward of your knees.

Six initial stages of autogenic training

Focus on sensations of heaviness throughout the arms and legs (beginning with the dominant arm or leg).

Focus on sensations of warmth throughout the arms and legs (beginning with the dominant arm or leg).

Focus on sensations of warmth and heaviness in the area of the heart.

Focus on slow, calm breathing.

Focus on sensations of warmth in the abdomen.

Focus on sensations of coolness in the forehead.

Before moving onto the next stage of autogenic training, what do you have to do

The stages are sequential; you need to master the skills of each stage before practicing the next

How long does it take to get proficient at autogenic training

several months or more

how long should you practice autogenic training daily

10-40 minutes

will practicing autogenic training with the idea of mastering it in a few months lead to better results?

No. Trying too hard will interfere with learning the skills. Proceed at your own pace, moving to the next stage only after you have mastered the previous stage.

What is presented in one autogenic training exercise?

each of the six initial stages is presented at one sitting and that visualization is also a part of this exercise

How many times should you practice autogenic training daily?

This exercise should be practiced at least once daily but preferably twice: once upon waking and once just before dinner.

Imagery's role in autogenic training

autogenic training employs images of relaxing scenes to translate body relaxation into mind relaxation.

autogenic meditation

visualization of relaxing images used during autogenic training

How to visualize relaxing images during autogenic training?

begin by rotating your eyeballs inward and upward as if you are attempting to look at your own forehead.

The next step involves practicing visualizing one color in your whole field of vision—any color you choose.

Next, visualize colors making pictures. When that is accomplished, practice visualizing one object against a dark background. This object should be seen clearly, be immobile, and be viewed for a long duration

After visualizing what is the next phase of the imagery phase of autogenic training?

he next phase of autogenic meditation instructs you to visualize abstract ideas (such as freedom). This phase usually runs from two to six weeks.

Following visualizing abstract ideas, what should you do next in autogenic training?

The next phase involves the visualization of other people, first neutral people (e.g., a storekeeper you know), then family or friends.

Physiological effects of imagery?

When children and adolescents with chronic headaches were taught imagery, 88 percent reported a decrease in the frequency of their headaches, and 26 percent said they were headache-free after learning how to use imagery.

Phycological effects of Imagery

l effects. For example, when sexual assault survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic nightmares learned imagery, they slept better and experienced a decrease in PTSD severity.41 Imagery has also been found to help both older adults with mild or moderate depression42 and breast cancer patients to decrease their anxiety and depression. Additionaly, this


g: the muscles contracted, the body ready for some action it seldom takes. As McGuigan states, "The person who falls victim to stressors reflexively reacts to them, often emotionally. If such muscular reactions are prolonged, as they often are, they can eventually lead to the malfunction of some system of the body. Such chronic overtension may lead to a variety of psychosomatic (somatoform) and psychiatric disorders."47

progressive relaxation

A relaxation technique involving contracting and relaxing muscle groups throughout the body; also called neuromuscular relaxation or Jacobsonian relaxation.

neuromuscular relaxation

A relaxation technique involving contracting and relaxing muscle groups throughout the body; also called progressive relaxation or Jacobsonian relaxation.

Jacobsonian relaxation

A relaxation technique involving contracting and relaxing muscle groups throughout the body; also called progressive relaxation or neuromuscular relaxation.

Physiological benefits of progressive relaxation

Brown states that learned relaxation of skeletal muscles can be generalized to smooth muscles, causing relaxation of the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular system

When diabetics were trained in stress management techniques that included progressive relaxation, 32 percent had lower than their baseline levels of HbA1c, a marker for blood glucose, compared to only 12 percent of control subjects at 12 months after the program.65

psychological benefits of progressive relaxation

depression66 and anxiety67,68 were lessened in people trained in progressive relaxation. Even insomniacs were helped to sleep by using this relaxation technique.69 Alcoholism70 and even batting slumps71 were aided by regular practice of progressive relaxation.

Perquisites of Progressive relaxation

When learning progressive relaxation, seek a relatively quiet, distraction-free environment.

Make sure you remove or loosen any tight clothing or jewelry and that the room is warm. It is difficult to relax in a cold environment, because the blood doesn't readily travel to cold extremities. Removing your shoes is also advisable.

s. Don't contract a muscle that is strained, pained, or cramped. There's always another day. Lastly, if you have high blood pressure, try a different relaxation technique since contractions can raise systolic blood pressure.

Body position for progressive relaxation

stretch out on the floor . The idea is to have your body supported by the floor rather than by your muscles

let your arms and legs go.
rest your hands on your abdomen or at your sides, and your legs and feet will most likely rotate outward.


Complementary and alternative medicine

The federal government has created an agency called ____to make sure that CAM's were providing real treatment

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM).


National Institutes of Health, funds research to test the safety and effectiveness of CAM therapies.

What is a stress reduction technique that involves contracting and relaxing muscle groups?

Progressive relaxation involves contracting and relaxing different body areas or muscle groups. You progress through areas one at a time, such as starting with the feet and working up to the head. As you tense and relax different muscles, you may discover places where you store stress.

Which technique involves systematically contracting the relaxing muscle groups throughout the body?

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a general method of relaxation by consciously contracting and then relaxing groups of muscles. The technique was originally developed by Jacobson, a Chicago physician, and has been used to reduce stress, reduce pain, and promote health.

Which of the following relaxation techniques involves learning to tense and relax all of the major muscle groups of the body?

Progressive muscle relaxation. In this relaxation technique, you focus on slowly tensing and then relaxing each muscle group. This can help you focus on the difference between muscle tension and relaxation. You can become more aware of physical sensations.

What is autogenic relaxation technique?

Autogenic training is a relaxation technique that uses the Power of the Mind to relax the body. The term autogenic means “coming from within.” You can also think of it as a form of self-hypnosis. Establishing a routine practice may improve your overall health.

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