Is 9408 a perfect square if not find the smallest multiple of 9408 which is a perfect square find the square root of new number?

We have 2352 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 7 × 7

As the prime factor 3 has no pair, 2352 is not a perfect square.

If 3 gets a pair then the number will become perfect square. So, we multiply 2352 by 3 to get,

2352 × 3 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 × 7

Now each prime factor is in a pair.

Therefore, 2352 × 3 = 7056 is a perfect square.

Thus the required smallest multiple of 2352 is 7056 which is a perfect square.

And, `sqrt(7056)` = 2 × 2 × 3 × 7 = 84.


To find the smallest number by which 9408 must be divided so that the quotient is a perfect square, we have to find the prime factors of 9408.

9408 = 2*2*2*2*2*2*3*7*7

Prime factors of 9408 are 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2. 3, 7, 7
Out of the prime factors of 9408, only 3 is without pair.
So, 3 is the number by which 9408 must be divided to make the quotient a perfect square.

9408/3 = 3136

Square root of 3136

5 | 3136
5 | 25
___ |______
106 | 636
6 | 636
| 000

So, √3136 = 56

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Find the smallest number by which 9408 must be divided so that the quotient is a perfect square. Find the square root of the quotient.
A. Smaller number :5 Quotient : 3036 Square root :54
B. Smaller number :3 Quotient :3136 square root:56
C. Smaller number :7 Quotient :3236 square root:57
D. Data insufficient



Hint: First we will write the given number as a product of its prime factor , then we will divide the number by the lowest factor such that in the prime product of the quotient the number of each prime factor is even.

Complete step by step solution:
Let’s write 9408 as its product of prime factors
$9408=2\times 2\times 2\times 2\times 2\times 2\times 3\times 7\times 7$
So we can write 9408 as ${{2}^{6}}{{3}^{1}}{{7}^{2}}$
Now we can see power of 2 is 6, power 3 is 1 and power of 7 is 2. Power of 2 and 7 is even, but power of 3 is odd so if we divide 9408 by 3 we will get a square number
The quotient when we divide 9408 by 3 we will get 3136 and the square root of 3136 is equal to 56, so the smaller number is 3 , quotient is 3136 and the square root is 56.

So, the correct answer is “Option B”.

Note: While writing evaluating the prime factor of any number check the divisibility of prime numbers such as if the sum of digits in the number is divisible by 3 the number is divisible by 3. If the last digit of the number from right is 0 or 5 then the number is divisible by 5. Multiply the last digit from right by 5 then add to the remaining number if it is divisible by 7 then the number is divisible by 7.

Chapter 3 Squares and Square Roots – Exercise 3.1 | Set 1

Question 9. Find the greatest number of two digits which is a perfect square.


Nội dung chính

  • Chapter 3 Squares and Square Roots – Exercise 3.1 | Set 1
  • Question 9. Find the greatest number of two digits which is a perfect square.
  • Question 10. Find the least number of three digits which is a perfect square.
  • Question 11. Find the smallest number by which 4851 must be multiplied so that the product becomes a perfect square.
  • Question 12. Find the smallest number by which 28812 must be divided so that the quotient becomes a perfect square.
  • Question 13. Find the smallest number by which 1152 must be divided so that it becomes a perfect square. Also find the number whose square is the resulting number.
  • To find the smallest number by which 9408 must be divided so that the quotient is a perfect square, we have to find the prime factors of 9408. 9408 = 2*2*2*2*2*2*3*7*7 Prime factors of 9408 are 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2. 3, 7, 7 Out of the prime factors of 9408, only 3 is without pair. So, 3 is the number by which 9408 must be divided to make the quotient a perfect square. 9408/3 = 3136 Square root of 3136 56 _____________ 5 | 3136 5 | 25 ___ |______ 106 | 636 6 | 636 |_______ | 000 So, √3136 = 56 Read more on - // (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
  • Example 7 - Chapter 6 Class 8 Squares and Square Roots
  • What number must be multiplied to 9408 to make it perfect square?
  • What is the least number by which 9408 divided that the quotient is a perfect square?
  • What is the perfect square of 4931?
  • What is the smallest multiple of 2352 which is a perfect square?

Greatest two-digit number is 99

99 = 81+18

= 9×9 + 18

18 is the remainder

 Perfect square number is 99 – 18 = 81

Therefore, the greatest number of two digits which is perfect square is 81

Question 10. Find the least number of three digits which is a perfect square.


Least three-digit number is 100

100 = 10 × 10

100 itself is the square of 10

Therefore, the least number of three digits which is perfect square is 100

Question 11. Find the smallest number by which 4851 must be multiplied so that the product becomes a perfect square.


Prime factorization of 4851

4851 = 3×3×7×7×11

By grouping the prime factors 

= (3×3) × (7×7) × 11

11 is left out

Therefore, the smallest number by which 4851 must be multiplied so that the product becomes a perfect square is 11.

Question 12. Find the smallest number by which 28812 must be divided so that the quotient becomes a perfect square.


Prime factorization of 28812

28812 = 2×2×3×7×7×7×7

By grouping the prime factors

= (2×2) × 3 × (7×7) × (7×7)

3 is left out

Therefore, the smallest number by which 28812 must be divided so that the quotient becomes a perfect square is 3.

Question 13. Find the smallest number by which 1152 must be divided so that it becomes a perfect square. Also find the number whose square is the resulting number.


Prime factorization of 1152

1152 = 2×2×2×2×2×2×2×3×3

By grouping the prime factors

= (2×2) × (2×2) × (2×2) × (3×3) × 2

Therefore, the smallest number by which 1152 must be divided so that the quotient becomes a perfect square is 2.

The number after division, 1152/2 = 576

Prime factors for 576 = 2×2×2×2×2×2×3×3

By grouping the prime factors

= (2×2) × (2×2) × (2×2) × (3×3)

= (2×2×2×3) × (2×2×2×3)

= 242

Therefore, the resulting number is square of 24.


To find the smallest number by which 9408 must be divided so that the quotient is a perfect square, we have to find the prime factors of 9408. 9408 = 2*2*2*2*2*2*3*7*7 Prime factors of 9408 are 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2. 3, 7, 7 Out of the prime factors of 9408, only 3 is without pair. So, 3 is the number by which 9408 must be divided to make the quotient a perfect square. 9408/3 = 3136 Square root of 3136 56 _____________ 5 | 3136 5 | 25 ___ |______ 106 | 636 6 | 636 |_______ | 000 So, √3136 = 56 Read more on - // (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Example 7 - Chapter 6 Class 8 Squares and Square Roots

Last updated at Nov. 10, 2021 by

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Example 7 Find the smallest number by which 9408 must be divided so that the quotient is a perfect square. Find the square root of the quotient. Prime factorizing 9408 Prime factorizing 9408 We see that , 9408 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 7 × 7 Since 3 does not occur in pairs, we divide by 3 to make it a pair So, our number becomes 9408 × 𝟏/𝟑 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 7 × 7 × 𝟏/𝟑 3136 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 7 × 7 Square root of 3136 ∴ √3136 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 7 = 56 ∴ The smallest whole number to be divided = 3 and square root of new number = 56

What number must be multiplied to 9408 to make it perfect square?

9408/3+ 3136 = 2*2*2*2*2*2*7*7. Which is perfect square.

What is the least number by which 9408 divided that the quotient is a perfect square?

So, 3 is the number by which 9408 must be divided to make the quotient a perfect square.

What is the perfect square of 4931?

so 110 must be added to 4931 to get a perfect Square. Was this answer helpful?

What is the smallest multiple of 2352 which is a perfect square?

So, we will multiply the number 2352 with 3 to make it a perfect square. Now, to verify that 3 is the smallest number which is multiplied to 2352 to make it a perfect square, we need to multiply 3 with the number and then find its square root. Hence, the number is a perfect square and the perfect square is 84.

Is 9408 a perfect square if not find the smallest number by which 9408 must be a multiplied?

<br>`3136` is a perfect square of `56`<br>Hence, `3` is the smallest number by which `9408` must be divided so that it becomes a perfect square.

Is 9408 a perfect square find the smallest number?

Here's ur answer :.
9408 is not a perfect square.....
It can be made perfect by dividing it by 3..
=> 9408/3 = 3136..
3136 is a perfect square as it can be squared and has a square root..
that is, √3136 = 56 .........✔️✔️✔️.
✨❤ Hope it helps ❤✨.

Is 9408 a perfect cube if not find the smallest number by which it should be divided to get a perfect cube?

The quotient when we divide 9408 by 3 we will get 3136 and the square root of 3136 is equal to 56, so the smaller number is 3 , quotient is 3136 and the square root is 56. So, the correct answer is “Option B”.

Is 2352 a perfect square if not find the smallest multiple?

So, we will multiply the number 2352 with 3 to make it a perfect square. Now, to verify that 3 is the smallest number which is multiplied to 2352 to make it a perfect square, we need to multiply 3 with the number and then find its square root. Hence, the number is a perfect square and the perfect square is 84.

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