Im pregnant là gì

The risk for depression was increased in participants who reported a previous poor pregnancy outcome.

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In contrast, women with initially low levels that recovered through the course of pregnancy had children at less risk of later impairment.

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These improvements in the outcome of pregnancy, nonetheless, concomitantly increase the genetic risk in the surviving population.

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Women with a greater lean body mass have higher rates of protein synthesis in pregnancy.

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In both tables, the analysis has been restricted to pregnancies followed sufficiently long for any type of outcome to be identified.

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The property model of pregnancy outlined here is perhaps surprisingly straightforward.

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Unfortunately she suffered complications in a later pregnancy and the stitch had to be removed.

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When cultured blastocysts are transferred to recipients, the lack of mucin coat might account in part for subsequent failure of pregnancy.

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She wants to experience pregnancy and childbirth and raise her own child.

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Determining the paternal antigen status through a peripheral blood assay is an important step, which should be undertaken early in the pregnancy.

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But this is a practical justification, not the recognition of the pregnancy of the syntax/semantics schizophrenia.

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The precise mechanisms underlying pregnancy-induced changes of bile secretory function are not known.

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High priority is given to maternal and child health care, and there are several programs for prevention of disease during pregnancy, childbirth, and early childhood.

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It is important to note that both pregnancy and oral contraceptive use were included as temporary risk factors in this study.

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That size is correlated to age is, in early pregnancy, a reasonable assumption.

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Xem tất cả các ví dụ của pregnancy

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Các cụm từ với pregnancy


Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với pregnancy.

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early pregnancy

Early pregnancy factor is immunosuppressive.

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month of pregnancy

The full process is not understood, but it is known that, at the fifth month of pregnancy, about 7 million eggs are present.


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multiple pregnancy

In most publications, mention is made of a multiple pregnancy rate of 25% to 30%.

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Những ví dụ này từ Cambridge English Corpus và từ các nguồn trên web. Tất cả những ý kiến trong các ví dụ không thể hiện ý kiến của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của người cấp phép.

There followed a pregnant pause in which each knew what the other was thinking but neither knew what to say.


noun [ C/U ] us

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[ U ] She experienced morning sickness during her first months of pregnancy.

(Định nghĩa của pregnant từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của pregnant


This may be helpful when preparing a pregnant patient for transition from coumadin to heparin.

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Perinatal infection was defined as culture-confirmed infection in a pregnant woman or a newborn.

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For ambulatory patients (children or pregnant women), teleconsultations were more costly.

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The other half of the sample were still going steady at the time that the woman discovered she was pregnant.

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Again this provides evidence that more rural than urban women get pregnant soon after marriage.

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Linked with marriage statistics subsequent to the census date, the estimates can provide approximations to marriage rates of pregnant and/or non-pregnant non-married women.

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For the women continuing, there were only eleven (28 %) making their first hospital visit by the time they were 14 weeks pregnant.

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Women with other than trivial complaints were excluded from further participation, as were those who took oestrogens or progestins and those who became pregnant.

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However, these estimates rely heavily on studies involving pregnant women.

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There is also particular attention to categories of patient such as prepubertal children, adolescents, males and pregnant women.

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However, in the pregnant ewe a more progressive infection may establish in the gravid uterus.

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She has referred two pregnant women to us, and we see her most days at the surgery.

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Of the 134 women over the age of 45 years, 21 (15*7 %) had never been pregnant.

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First, women who have never been pregnant are likely to be contraceptive drifters, probably because their assessment of the probability of pregnancy is unrealistic.

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Following that decision, an unprecedented campaign was launched by consumers (pregnant women), interested providers of care, and the mass media (6).

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Xem tất cả các ví dụ của pregnant

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I am pregnant là gì?

I'm pregnant. Tôi đang mang thai/ có thai.

Have pregnant là gì?

(Không đếm được) Có thai, có mang thai, có chửa.

Avoid Pregnancy là gì?

Kiểm soát sinh sản một chế độ gồm việc tuân theo một hay nhiều hành động, cách thức, các thực hiện tình dục, hay sử dụng dược phẩm nhằm ngăn chặn hay làm giảm một cách có chủ đích khả năng mang thai hay sinh đẻ.

Ngay lập tức tiếng Anh là gì?

Straight away có một số từ đồng nghĩa, cụ thể right away, immediately, at once, instantly. ​Tất cả những từ này đều có nghĩa Ngay lập tức” và có thể thay thế cho nhau để sử dụng trong hội thoại.

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