Identify seven steps you can take to improve your intercultural communication skills

Effective communication between colleagues from different cultural backgrounds ensures a team is working harmoniously.

The six steps to intercultural communication are basic pointers for intercultural team members.

These steps help culture to become a good thing - rather than a barrier. 

The Six Steps to Great Intercultural Communication

1. Break Assumptions

Everyone makes or has assumptions about others. Assumptions are beliefs rather than objective truth and are usually influenced by a number of subjective factors. For intercultural communication to truly work, people need to assess their assumptions and ask themselves why they hold those ideas or beliefs. By doing so and even openly examining them with others, the initial barrier to intercultural communication is overcome.

2. Empathise

In order to come to appreciate and understand people from different cultures, empathy is vital. Through putting yourself in someone else's shoes you come to see or appreciate their point of view.

3. Involve

Involving others in tasks or decision making empowers and builds strong relationships. Using intercultural diversity is in essence a more creative approach to problem solving as it incorporates different points of view.

4. Discourage Herd Mentality

Herd mentality refers to a closed and one dimensional approach. Such a way of thinking curbs creativity, innovation and advancement as people are restricted in how to think, approach and engage with people or challenges. Intercultural communication can only flourish and therefore contribute if people are encouraged to think as individuals, bring their cultural influences to the table and share ideas that may be outside the box.

5. Shun Insensitive Behaviour

People can and do behave in culturally insensitive ways. By attacking someone's person, you attack their culture and therefore their dignity. This can only be divisive. Intercultural communication is based upon people thinking through words and actions to ensure they do not act inappropriately. When insensitive behaviour is witnessed it is the responsibility of all to shun it and ensure it remains unacceptable.

6. Be Wise

Wisdom is not called wisdom for nothing. People need to be aware how to interact with people with respect and knowledge. Intercultural communication is essentially founded upon wisdom, i.e. showing maturity of thought and action in dealing with people. Through thinking things out and have background knowledge to intercultural differences much of the communication problems witnessed within business could be avoided. 

Take a Course to Help Improve Your Intercultural Skills

If you work across cultures and want to maximise your business outputs, then enrol on our Online Cultural Competence Training course. 

Jam packed with expert direction and critical insights, this fantastic online cultural training course will help you to gain credibility when working internationally. 

Intercultural communication skills are important in today's workplace environment. These skills can help you avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and misinterpretations due to ineffective communication. You can forestall frustration, tension and decreased productivity. Improve intercultural communication skills by learning about other peoples' cultures, behaviors and communication styles; unlock the potential for a creative and dynamic cross-cultural environment.

Be Respectful

Treat others with respect and address them appropriately; this is especially important for closing and opening conversations. If you're unsure of how to address someone, ask first.

Ask Questions

Be an attentive listener. Always check for understanding, and ask questions if you have any doubts.

Learn About Other Cultures

In order to avoid insensitive comments and misunderstandings, research and learn about specific cultures. At the same time, avoid overgeneralizing and stereotyping. Each person is an individual, so try not to make assumptions about a person of another culture based on what you have learned. Instead, aim for a better understanding and more effective communication.

Avoid Using Slang and Idioms

Use specific and relevant words when speaking. Slang and idioms will not be understood by people of other cultures; try not to put others in a position that requires them to "read between the lines." Think before you speak. Clarify or rephrase your dialogue when you catch yourself saying something that may be misinterpreted.

Be Aware

Be aware of your body and energy; nonverbal cues and gestures may communicate more than you think. At the same time, pay attention to and be aware of others' nonverbal cues and gestures.

What are the 7 characteristics of a competent intercultural communicator?

that define a competent intercultural communicator..
Flexibility and the ability to tolerate high levels of uncertainty..
Reflectiveness or mindfulness..
Ability to engage in divergent thinking (or thinking creatively) and. ... .

What are the 7 barriers to intercultural communication?

There are certain barriers that come across intercultural communication. Barriers such as prejudice, anxiety, ethnocentrism, language, and assumption of similarity are most significant ones to consider.

How does intercultural communication improve one's communication skills?

Improve Negotiation Skills Intercultural communication training also enhances the ability to negotiate, which increases individual marketability within the global workforce. Each culture has its own set of rules when it comes to negotiating.

What are the skills needed for intercultural communication?

Examples of intercultural skills.
Nonverbal communication..
Active listening..
Conflict resolution..

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