How should society decide about matters related to environmental responsibility?

Social responsibility is an ethical theory in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and the environment. If this equilibrium is maintained, then social responsibility is accomplished.

What it Means to be Socially Responsible and Ethical?

The theory of social responsibility is built on a system of ethics, in which decisions and actions must be ethically validated before proceeding. If the action or decision causes harm to society or the environment, then it would be considered to be socially irresponsible.

Moral values that are inherent in society create a distinction between right and wrong. In this way, social fairness is believed (by most) to be in the “right”, but more frequently than not this “fairness” is absent. Every individual has a responsibility to act in manner that is beneficial to society and not solely to the individual.

Find out how Social Justice and Environmental Justice are intrinsically interconnected.

When Do Social Responsibility and Ethics Apply?

The theory of social responsibility and ethics applies in both individual and group capacities. It should be incorporated into daily actions/decisions, particularly ones that will have an effect on other persons and/or the environment. In the larger, group capacity, a code of social responsibility and ethics is applied within said group as well as during interactions with another group or an individual.

Businesses have developed a system of social responsibility that is tailored to their company environment. If social responsibility is maintained within a company, then the employees and the environment are held equal to the company’s economics. Maintaining social responsibility within a company ensures the integrity of society and the environment are protected.

Often, the ethical implications of a decision/action are overlooked for personal gain and the benefits are usually material. This frequently manifests itself in companies that attempt to cheat environmental regulations. When this happens, government interference is necessary.

Unfortunately, social responsibility and ethics are often not practiced by American companies outside of U.S. borders, which makes regulation difficult.

The Pachamama Alliance

Pachamama Alliance is an organization that seeks to instill social responsibility in the industrialized or “modern” world. Our partnership with the indigenous Ecuadorian tribe, the Achuar, began when they recognized the imminent threat of oil drilling in their home. This tribe, hidden deep in the Amazon forest, has inhabited this area for thousands of years and is at risk of total destruction.

The goal of The Pachamama Alliance is to restore a sense of active decision-making to the people and companies of the modern world. Currently, the Achuar and their home are in danger because of our addiction to crude oil. This addiction is the result of a faulty system of beliefs that disregards the environment, its inhabitants, and the consequences of our actions. A change in this universal mentality is imperative if the Achuar are to survive this threat; in order to do so, pandemic social responsibility is essential.

As the world of business has evolved and grown, society has used resources and generated waste with very little restraint. Whilst the economic growth of the U.K. has improved the livelihoods of many, as well as contributed to significant technological advances, we have drawn further and further away from a sustainable society. Climate change is not only a critical issue for future generations. The impact of global warming is felt by people who have lost their homes thanks to severe weather conditions, and those who do not have access to a clean water supply.

For a business to continue in an ethical manner, it must respect the planet by limiting its impact on the environment as much as possible. With the vast resources and influential reach of businesses, they have the capacity to make a real difference in the promotion and practice of environmental awareness. Businesses have a responsibility that extends beyond meeting the needs of customers. Sustainability in the business world means ensuring environmental, economic and social wellbeing for both current and future customers. This means considering the needs of the people and society without compromising the success or wellbeing of future generations.

How do companies affect the environment?

Research suggests that 75% of each person’s carbon emissions in the U.K. are from products and services. Businesses that provide services can have an environmental impact in many ways. Some examples include:

  • Using consumables and equipment
  • Consuming energy when providing a service, for example heating, lighting and computer networks
  • Waste from work activities

Businesses that manufacture products also contribute to damaging the environment in several ways. For example:

  • The raw materials used in manufacturing
  • The manufacturing process that uses energy and can create by-products and emissions
  • Transport and distribution of products by road, rail and air
  • The lifespan of the product and how it is disposed of

Disposable nappies are an example of how a product’s lifespan affects the environment. Some diapers will not decompose for over 400 years. This means that, whilst most babies are toilet-trained by the time they’re three years old, their nappies will still be around for their own great-great-great grandchildren to use (although possibly not recommended).

Waste is a critical issue for all types of businesses, not just those in the nappy-manufacturing industry. Companies generate a lot of waste that is often difficult, or even impossible, to recycle properly. For example:

  • Waste paper and cardboard
  • Food and clinical waste
  • Metal cans/containers and plastic or glass bottles
  • Batteries and electrical equipment
  • Aggregate (sand, rocks and soil)

According to a 2017 research study undertaken by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, ‘business’ specifically was responsible for 14% of the U.K.’s annual greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases, which include carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, cause global warming, ozone depletion and acid rain. They also ruin air quality which is linked to poor quality of health. Companies contribute to this air pollution by using energy suppliers that rely on burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal, which release greenhouse gases. A lot of businesses are also reliant upon transport, as staff members travel to meetings or visit clients. Vehicles burn fuel which also emits greenhouse gases.

Why does this mean they are responsible for helping to protect it?

If businesses do not commit to executing their activities in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly manner, the supply of important metals and minerals will become less secure. These materials are crucial to many aspects of the economy and this poses an extra risk to businesses specifically as there will be increasing competition for resources.

There are also many financial reasons for businesses to commit to taking more responsibility to protect the environment. According to a study published by the Department for Education, Food & Rural Affairs in 2011, U.K. businesses could save around £23 billion per year by making simple changes to use resources more efficiently and help protect the environment. Therefore, resource efficiency is seen as an opportunity to achieve environmental benefits while also strengthening business resilience and decreasing costs. It also has the potential to contribute substantially towards government targets to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

By aligning itself with strong values relating to environmental protection, companies will also strengthen their brand image and acquire more opportunities to market their business. Roberts Bakery is an excellent example of this. In 2018, the U.K.-based bakery business launched bread packaging that can be recycled in household kerbside bins. Even though most of the plastic packaging used for bread is labelled as ‘recyclable’, very few local authorities collect it as part of roadside services. In response to this problem, Roberts Bakery replaced the polypropylene plastic window with polyethylene terephthalate. As the U.K.’s first bakery to achieve 100% recyclable packaging, they have been awarded the prize for the best bread product of 2018 in the national competition run by The Grocer magazine. Their business will continue to grow alongside their attempts to progress in an environmentally sustainable manner. Clearly, Roberts Bakery are successful in marketing themselves as a values-driven company with a culture based on strong ethics.

What are the social responsibilities towards environment?

As (ISO 26000): Societal responsibility is defined as “translating the decisions and activities of the organization towards society and the environment by adopting transparent and ethical behavior that contributes to sustainable development (including health and welfare in society) takes into account the expectations ...

How can we promote environmental responsibility?

How to Promote Environmental Sustainability Within Your Company.
Reducing Paper Waste. ... .
Recycling More. ... .
Reducing Energy Consumption. ... .
Promoting Telecommuting. ... .
Choose Environmentally Friendly Packaging and Labeling. ... .
Go Beyond Recycling™.

How can social and environmental responsibilities help?

Environmental social responsibility considers people, planet and profit issues that lead to sustained competitive advantage. Creating socially responsible and sustainable employment practices help organizations meet current needs without compromising the ability to meet future needs.

How can we make individuals be responsible for the environment?

Want to make your life more environmentally friendly?.
Recycle. Recycling conserves natural resources, reduces pollution and saves energy. ... .
Turn down the bag. ... .
Buy only what you will use. ... .
Buy second hand. ... .
Don't invest in idle equipment. ... .
Donate used goods. ... .
Buy products with less packaging. ... .
Avoid disposable products..

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