How many different ways can all the letters of the word PROPORTION be arranged

There are 10 letters in the word PROPORTION, namely OOO, PP, RR, I, T and N.

(b) The four-letter word may consists of
(i) 3 alike letters and 1 distinct letter
(ii) 2 alike letters of one kind and 2 alike letters of the second kind
(iii) 2 alike letters and 2 distinct letters
(iv) all distinct letters

Now, we shall discuss these four cases one by one.
(i) 3 alike letters and 1 distinct letter:
There is one set of three alike letters, OOO, which can be selected in one way.
Out of the 5 different letters, P, R, I, T and N, one can be selected in \[{}^5 C_1\]  ways.

These four letters can be arranged in \[\frac{4!}{3! 1!}\]ways.
∴ Total number of ways = \[{}^5 C_1 \times \frac{4!}{3! 1!} = 20\]

(ii) There are 3 sets of two alike letters, which can be selected in 3C2 ways.
Now, the letters of each group can be arranged in\[\frac{4!}{2! 2!}\]ways.
∴ Total number of ways =\[{}^3 C_2 \times \frac{4!}{2! 2!} = 18\]

(iii) There are three sets of two alike letters, which can be selected in 3C1 ways.
Now, from the remaining 5 letters, 2 letters can be chosen in 5C2 ways.
Thus, 2 alike letters and 2 different letters can be selected in 3C1 x 5C2 = 30 ways.
Now, the letters of each group can be arranged in \[\frac{4!}{2!}\]ways.
∴ Total number of ways = \[30 \times \frac{4!}{2!} = 360\]

(iv) There are 6 different letters.
So, the number of ways of selecting 4 letters is 6C4 = 15 and these letters can be arranged in 4! ways.
∴ Total number of ways = 15 x  4! = 360

∴ Total number of ways = 20 + 18 + 360 + 360 = 758

Problem Solving : Permutation and combination Problem 1 : In how many ways can the letter of the word PROPORTION be arranged by taking 4 letters at a time?

In how many ways can the letter of the word PROPORTION be arranged by taking 4 letters at a time?



below I've wrote letters without repeated words and then how many times particular word repeated
P R O 

Here (P, P) 2 P, (R, R) 2 R, and (O,O,O) 3 O

from the question here we gonna select 4 words hence we have the following chance to select those 4 words

Chance 1:   3 O and remaining 1 are different (That means (O,O,O)--> 3 word and (P,R,T,I,N) ---> 1 word from the 5)

Chance 2:  two of same words and other two of the  same words (here (O,O,O), (T,T) and (P,P) out of 3 pairs we gonna select 2 pair of words )

Chance 3: Two of same words and other two are different words (here (O,O,O), (T,T) and (P,P) out of 3 pairs we gonna select 1 pair of word and other 2 word from (R, O, I, N, T) words consider P,P has been selected pair  )

Chance 4: All 4 are different ( here P, R,  O, T, I , N out of 6 we gonna select 4 words)


Chance 1:  3C3 * 5C1 * (4! /3!) = 20 [3! for repeated words O,O,O]
Chance 2:  3C2 * (4! / (2!*2!)) = 18 [2! * 2! for repeated words of T,T and P,P]
Chance 3: 3C1*5C2 * (4! / 2!) = 360 [2! for repeated word T,T or P,P]
Chance 4: 6C4 * 4! = 360 [as usual]

finally add all the chances = 20 + 18 + 360 + 360 = 758 ways is the answer

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