How do you build positive relationships with coworkers?

All good relationships rely on honest and open communication. We communicate in many ways whether we are face to face, sending texts or emails and it is very important to consider how we communicate.

Take time to consider what outcome you want from your communication and use clear and precise language to ensure there is no misunderstanding. The better and more effectively we communicate with those we work with, the more positive and successful the relationship will be. 

2. Show appreciation

Genuinely show your appreciation when others help you, whether it is a colleague who has helped you on a difficult project or the junior who has made you a cup of coffee. Everyone likes appreciation and wants to feel as if they are making a worthwhile contribution. A little genuine praise goes a long way to developing good working relationships. 

3. Active listening

Focus on taking the time to really listen to your colleagues and clients and see how people will positively respond to you in return. Active listening is a skill worth consciously developing as you will find that it will help you quickly gain people's trust.

4. Be positive

People like to be around positive people. Positivity is contagious and people are drawn to others that demonstrate positivity. It creates energy and will strengthen your relationships with your colleagues and clients. 

5. Develop your people skills

Think about what your strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to your people skills. Be honest and consider which areas you may benefit from working on. Make some time to speak to colleagues face to face each day, where possible even if it is only for five minutes. Keep building relationships and show your interest.

6. Be clear about your needs

Understand what you need from your colleagues and also think about what they need from you. It sounds like common sense but it is worth taking time to consider. Communicating these needs can simplify and strengthen relationships and eliminate misunderstandings. It can also help you progress up the career path if you are clear about your intentions and aspirations.

7. Respect

Respecting the people you work with means that you value their views and ideas. This will enable effective and creative working relationships that will benefit both parties. This will also enable you to welcome diverse opinions from colleagues and consider what they have to say.

For a successful career, you need to build positive and healthy relationships with your colleagues, clients and other stakeholders in your organisation. Think about your working relationships and how you can build and maintain stronger relationships that will help you to feel more engaged, open doors to new opportunities and promotion. After all, the more you put into building positive relationships, the more you will get back. 

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Human beings have an inherent need to connect with people around them. The same rule applies to your workplace, as well.

When employees have a good relationship, they are happier and more productive in general. A Gallup survey found that 49% of the engaged employees believe that a strong positive relationship is crucial to achieving success.

The ability to build a positive workplace relationship is essential to achieve mutual understanding.

When your employees can develop a positive relationship with their peers, there is trust and shared respect. It is essential to create a work environment where everyone feels they want to stay at the organization.

Let us have a look at how we can build positive relationships in an organization.

Elements of a Good and Positive Relationship

  • Trust- Trust becomes the vital foundation for successful employees in bonding with others and building a healthy relationship. When there is trust, transparency follows. Furthermore, performance improves and communication enhances.

  • Respect- When there is mutual respect between employees, they value each other’s opinions and ideas. This leads to effective collaboration through which problem-solving becomes easy.

  • Mindfulness- Mindful Employees are careful with their words and are better listeners. They value others as much as they value themselves, never resort to negative thoughts, and emphasize a positive relationship.

Tips to Build a Positive Relationship

1. Open Communication

Excellent and open communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship between employees. Communication should always be transparent so that there is always a flow of information without interruption. Encouraging employees to have open communication with their peers creates a sense of psychological safety. This not only fosters friendship but also builds trust.

Thus, leaders could open up communication channels where everyone can connect and bond well to strengthen the organization.

2. Listening

People have this tendency to act that they are listening and miss out on the message that others have to convey. However, that should be avoided to foster a positive relationship in the workplace.

Everyone should pay attention when someone has to say something and focus on the message they want to convey. Try to see the bigger picture and the meaning behind a conversation and offer some insight after hearing the entire input.

3. Show Appreciation

Appreciating your peers and co-workers by far is the best way to build a healthy relationship. Always show appreciation when a colleague helps you out. Someone has achieved something greater within their stay in the organization.

This will help them boost their morale, but it will also help you bond well with other employees.

4. Value others

Show value to others and the work they do. Learn to accept the way they perform their daily tasks. When you value their work ethics, your relationship with others transcends to a positive level on its own. Not only this works as a morale booster to others, but it also helps you build a good reputation within the organization.

5. Positive Attitude

You need to have an attitude that people like and find approachable. No matter whomever it is in the organization, if they have the right attitude, then it becomes appealing. People are more likely to talk and bond with those who show a positive attitude.

When you showcase positivity, it gets reflected in others as well—promoting a happy workspace.

6. Maintain Boundaries and Never Gossip

Before you bond well with someone in the organization, keep in mind to set certain boundaries. Keep a certain amount of time for bonding, and never let the social connection hamper your work in the long run and.

Once you can differentiate them, you will maintain a good relationship with others.

While we are talking about maintaining boundaries, one should also realize that gossiping is never a good idea. Office politics disrupt the working environment and hinders the relationships between co-workers.

If you have a conflict with someone, try to resolve it with open communication pinpointing the problem. This will resolve the conflict and will help you maintain a healthy relationship.

Summing It Up

Healthy and positive work relationships will make your job less stressful and enjoyable. It will cut out the mundane factor that often plagues an employee in the long run. A company culture that encourages employees to maintain healthy relationships can go a long way towards enhancing employee well-being.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact

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Open Communication. ... .
Don't Just Hear… ... .
Support Others. ... .
Take Responsibility. ... .
Vent Outside the Office. ... .
Stay Classy. ... .
Share Yourself. ... .
Set Personal Boundaries..

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A good work relationship is built upon four characteristics: trust, respect, self-awareness and open communication. Here's why they are important: Trust: When you and your co-workers trust each other, you all can be open and honest in thoughts and deeds.

How a workplace promotes positive relationships between colleagues?

Encourage social interaction. When employees are comfortable with each other, they are more inclined to share ideas, provide feedback, and offer support. Employers can increase employee interaction by arranging social events that celebrate personal and professional milestones.

What are the factors to remember to create positive relationship with coworkers?

Be positive..
Develop trust with your colleagues. Be responsible for your work assignments and deadlines. ... .
Maintain consistent communication. ... .
Show appreciation and respect for others. ... .
Speak well of your team members. ... .
Be positive..

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