How do I get a VMware menu bar?

Menu and toolbar settings control how the menus and toolbars appear when Workstation Pro is in full screen and windowed mode.

To configure menu and toolbar settings, select .

Table 1. Menu and Toolbar Settings
Setting Description
Use a single button for power controls

(Windows hosts only) When this setting is selected, the start, stop, suspend, and reset power controls appear on the toolbar as a single button with a drop-down menu. When this setting is deselected, each power control has a separate button on the toolbar.

Use a single button for stretch controls

When this setting is selected, the Keep Aspect Ratio Stretch and Free Stretch display controls appear on the toolbar as a single button with a drop-down menu. When this setting is deselected, each stretch control appears as a separate button on the toolbar.

Combine toolbar with menu bar in windowed mode

Show the Workstation Pro menus and toolbar on a single bar when Workstation Pro is in windowed mode.

Combine tabs with toolbar in full screen

Show the tabs and toolbar in a single bar when Workstation Pro is in full screen mode.

Show toolbar edge when unpinned in full screen

Show the edge of the full screen toolbar. When this setting is deselected, the edge of the full screen toolbar is not visible. The full screen toolbar appears for a few seconds when you place your cursor near the top of the screen.

I've been struggling with the same problem for a long time.

To recover the menu / toolbar, I hit ctrl-alt-del, then escape, and I have a few seconds to access the menu - sometimes very few and I have to try several times.

Pinning the menu bar is the only way, for me, to have it always available. As I move around several VMs, this is quite annoying.

It only happens to me if the guest is Windows 10.

In VMWare Workstation there are shortcut keys to power on a vm, power off a vm, create a new virutal machine, go to full screen mode, go to windowed mode, switch among open virtual machines while mouse and keyboard input are grabbed.. WHERE IS THE SHORTCUT KEY TO SHOW THE MENU BAR?

If you run a VM in fullscreen (who doesn't??), the VMWare Workstation menu bar takes up a ton of valuable space at the top of the screen - the kind of space needed to see browser tabs or to see remote desktop sessions or to deal with Webex.. If you PIN it, you get to see it all the time - but you can no longer get to anything 'behind' it. If you 'UNPIN' it, it disappears into a menu that has an abnormally long timer and a seemingly 1 in 4 chance of opening when moving the mouse to the top of the screen. If you have a 2nd monitor positioned above the monitor where your VM is running fullscreen with the VMWare menu bar auto-hidden, you have to hope that the correct item (your VM) has focus, no weird programs that mess with focus are running in your VM, and you have to move the mouse with the precision of a surgeon to get it on the sliver that is a whole 1/4 of a pixel and hold it there for the abnormally long timer to get a 1 in 4 chance of opening the menu. If you have used VMWare Workstation a lot over the years, you have wasted valuable life waiting and hoping for that menu bar to appear.

Is there a shortcut key to pop up the menu bar? If so, why does no Google search have anything close to the right answer? If there is not a shortcut key to pop up the menu bar, why the hell not? Let me push a key and get an INSTANT bar..

I seriously have installed some sketchy software directly on my host machine just because I didn't want to have to play the menu bar game. I know I can 'exit fullscreen' with a shortcut key.. but WHY? What if I just want to get to the toolbar and disable a NIC?

Also.. some other shortcut keys that should exist but apparently do not:

- minimize VM

- cycle through running VM's

- pop up list of all VM's

Also, whoever has been deciding that a 'show menu bar' shortcut does not need to exist in VMWare Workstation, but does apparently need to exist in VMWare Fusion, please admit that you just love torturing people through UI annoyances.

You can configure the Fusion applications menus for quick access to settings and applications.

The applications menus include the applications menu (

How do I get a VMware menu bar?
), accessible in the Mac menu bar or with a keyboard shortcut, and the Unity applications menu (
How do I get a VMware menu bar?
), accessible from the Mac Dock when the virtual machine is in Unity view.

For supported Windows guest operating systems, the applications menus provide quick access to applications you add when you configure the applications menu and to applications you recently opened.

The applications menus also provide access to Fusion functions, such as the power commands and the views, and certain Windows functions, such as the run command.


  1. Select .
  2. Select a virtual machine in the Virtual Machine Library window and click Settings.
  3. Under System Settings in the Settings window, click Applications Menu.
  4. (Optional) Add items to the applications menus.
    1. To see the applications and other items available in the virtual machine, click the add (+) button.
    2. Click, shift-click, or
      How do I get a VMware menu bar?
      -click the items to appear in the applications menu and click Add.
  5. (Optional) Use the mouse to select and move items up or down to reorder them.
  6. (Optional) Remove items from the applications menus.
    1. Select the item in the list to remove.
    2. Click the remove (-) button.

How do I open the taskbar on a virtual machine?

All you need to do is bring up the Windows Taskbar after switching your VM to Coherence view mode. Click on the Parallels Desktop sign at the top right side of your screen, choose View, and select Show Windows Taskbar. It's that easy!

How do I add a VMware shortcut to my desktop?

To create a shortcut to the virtual machine: Launch VMware Workstation. In the virtual machine library tree (from Workstation menu bar, click on Show or Hide the Library button), or from the folder created in Library, drag the virtual machine to the Desktop or to a preferred location.

How do I press F12 in VMware?

When you first start the virtual machine, press F12 to boot from the network. This is a temporary choice. Subsequent boots look for the boot loader on the hard drive before the network, by default.

How do I get to advanced settings in VMware?

In the vSphere Client, navigate to the vCenter Server instance..
Select the Configure tab..
Select Advanced Settings..
Click Edit Settings..
In the Name field, type a name for the setting. Names must start with 'config. ... .
In the Value field, type the value for the specified setting..
Click Add..
Click Save..