How did political machines work quizlet?





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AMH 2- Unit 1-(Day 1-16, 8/17-9/11)

Terms in this set (12)

Political Machine

A 'gang' of people who controlled city governments for their own profit and self gain.

How do political machines (members) obtain positions of power? What do they do with that power?

They get some of their members elected and then use their gov. office to benefit themselves and their friends.

How do political machines get money?

through grafts/padding bills and kickbacks

Graft/Padding Bills

By overcharging taxpayers to build stuff for the gov. The builders and machine members split the extra money.

Bribes and Kickbacks

Government officials would accept bribes for licenses, for inspections to be overlooked, etc. The officials who received these bribes would "kickback" some of the money to the machine, that way the machine would make sure those people stayed in their jobs (job security).

Who does grafting/padding bills benefit? Who does it hurt? Why is it is it so effective?

-Political machines and builders both benefit at the expense of the taxpayers.
-Political machines count on the taxpayers to be either too uneducated or too apathetic to question or care where their money is going.
-The taxpayers also could be intimidated by the machine and do not want to ask too many questions, lest they get in trouble. There is an element of fear.

What were tactics that Political Machines used to get votes for member(s)?

Padding lists/frauds, and they used immigrants to get votes.

How did Political machines use Immigrants?

The machine members get them jobs/arranged housing: then took them to vote. There was no secret ballot back then, immigrants could be easily intimidated into being told who to vote for.

Padding lists / Fraud

Machine members used dead people's names, dogs, or imaginary people and add them to the list of registered voters and then vote illegally. They would have their members show up to vote multiple times (sometimes in disguises).

What was the organizational structure of a political machine?

Party Boss ->
Ward Bosses--> Precinct Captains (who do recruiting and dirty work)
[x2 ->]:
-> Common people (political machines rely on their votes), -> Businessmen (Who want gov. contracts
(engage in bribery and kickbacks))

Thomas Nast: What did he do? What was his impact?

He was a cartoonist who understood that most common people could not read or write, so its important for them to understand how this corruption works. He communicated with them visually.
He was a cartoonist who exposed political machines through his drawings. He raised awareness among the common people of why political machines were bad.

Tammany Hall / Boss Tweed

Tammany Hall was a political machine at the time, and Boss Tweed was the party boss. Tammany Hall was the Democratic HQ of NYC. Boss Tweed controlled how votes were counted.

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How did the political machine work?

A political machine is a party organization that recruits its members by the use of tangible incentives—money, political jobs—and that is characterized by a high degree of leadership control over member activity.

What is political machine quizlet?

Political Machine. an organization linked to a political party that often controlled local government. Political Boss.

How did political machines use their power?

At the turn of the 20th century, many U.S. cities were run by collections of self-serving political machines. These organizations controlled access to political power by rigging votes, buying people's loyalty — and their ballots.

What was the purpose of political machines quizlet?

The primary goal of a political machine is keeping itself in power. the most famous political machine located in New York which dominated Democratic party politics in the late 19th century, survived until the 20th, and is keenly associated with corruption.

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