high roading là gì - Nghĩa của từ high roading

high roading có nghĩa là

When you 'take the high road' - it means doing the right thing even if its not popular or easy. Not to be confused with the Scottish Song The Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond - which no one seems able to really interpret in any case... But is a good tune to reference when you need to remember to 'take the high road'


If a person wrongs you, no need to go and seek revenge or let it worry you. "Take the high road" and let them take the low road. In the long run that person will have probably wronged many people and their reputation is tarnished (their road is rougher) - while if you don't let it bother you and stick to doing the right thing, life will more likely work out for you as you are not bothered by the negative stress and your reputation is better. Metaphorically speaking, like a High Road (aka freeway / highway) the view is often better and you can travel faster, while the low road is slower and has more obstacles and traffic lights. It's also the correct path to take to becoming what is also known as a righteous dude

high roading có nghĩa là

High road refers to a higher moral ground. "Taking the high road" expression refers to one being a "class act" during a very difficult time. Those who take the high road, are demonstrating being honest, fair, and selfless while not being completely defenseless.


He didn't buckle under the constant scrutiny by public. He's taking the high road and will get through it fine.

high roading có nghĩa là

a) To defend an argument in a way that is difficult to attack for moral reasons.
b) To take the moral high ground
c) To pretend to be better then a certain opinion for moral reasons in order to make your friend (who has claimed the other opinion) look like a total doucher
d) Using "The Flag" or "The Children" to win an argument in a blatantly ridiculous way


Example 1: Them: "I hate these *&%#@$ school zones! The speed limit is 15mph and the kids are never here!"
You: "The school zones are for the safety of the children. How dare you think of yourself before the children."
Them: "Oh No! You used the children. Nice High Roading." Example 2:
Them: "The extra security at airports is total lame sauce. If a terrorist is going to take a plane down they will find a way."
You: "We have the extra security for the protection of the American people and the children. I believe in our flag and in our country and that is why I believe in the extra security."
Them: "Nice high road move using the flag, jackass. You Suck!"

high roading có nghĩa là

There was a belief in ancient scotland that when a soldier died in battle, his soul would immediately travel underground back to Scotland. Thus the mortally wounded singing to his fellow soldier "I'll take the low road, and I'll be in scotland afore ye."


you take the high road and i'll take the low road For me and my true love will NEVER meet again on the bonnie bonnie banks of lock lomand ... cause he's dying.

high roading có nghĩa là

an idiom meaning to ignore idiots that run their mouths as you walk away


'taking the high road' examples are:


mature girl: whatever *yawns*

example 2

mature guy: i dont take orders from morons

high roading có nghĩa là

road on which olde worlde scottish people tell weird foreigners to go as the way to scotland.
from the classic tune.....you take the high road.......

'you take the high road and i'll take the low road and i'll be in scotland before ye!'

it has often been thought that when the foreigners travelled upon the road they would be savaged by wild, naked, celtic men with blue paint on them (much like in braveheart) and would be viciously killed.....thus eliminating the foreign people!


weird sarcastic foreigner: yo dude in the tartan....could you tell me where the nearest haggis farm is?????
proud scottish landowner: how dare you! hows about u take the high road!

high roading có nghĩa là

1.JoJo-Joanna Levesque's second album released October 17,2006

2.The fourth track/song on JoJo's album

3.The path or the right road to do good in life
Also the process of making the right decisions


1.Hey did you buy The High Road after it was released?

2.The High Road is a very soulful,catchy song!

3.The old lady fell...so I took The High Road and helped her up.

high roading có nghĩa là

1.term used by con artist dance teachers, who wear their pants ur really high and dye their hair different colors, to make people think they're sophisticated
2.may be interpretted as a drug
3.opposite of the low road


1.I am so cool, I am taking the high road.
2.Yeah Joanne takes the high road often, I wonder who her dealer is.
3.She can take her high road, I'll stay on the low road.

high roading có nghĩa là

1.JoJo-Joanna Levesque's second album released October 17,2006

2.The fourth track on JoJo's album

3.The path or the right road to do good in life
Also the process of making the right decisions


1.Hey did you buy The High Road after it was released and in stores?

2.The High Road is a very soulful,catchy song!

3.The old lady fell...so I took The High Road and helped her up.

high roading có nghĩa là

When you act as if you are better than someone to appear better than them.


“You need to calm down, sometimes we get anger problems and that’s ok.“ “Dude, you are High Roading me.”

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