habbo hotel là gì - Nghĩa của từ habbo hotel

habbo hotel có nghĩa là

Habbo hotel is where 11 - 16 year old kids hang out on the internet. its a pretty cool chat when your younger but as you stay on it more you realise how horrible it actually is:

1) The People
People who chat are called habbos habbos have a variety of ways to piss you off. Flooding is where you advertise room such as "mafias" competitions and other bullshit scams. This sad 12 year old is randomly running through "rooms" annoying people because some random guy told him he would be given furni. Mission completed this habbo (now known as Habbodude) goes back to the room he was advertising for his furni pickup. The employer kicks him from his room. Now habbodude gets angry so runs through the room shouting "OMFG Bobbaing Pay Me u Bobba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ugh how annoying

2) The language Filter
Next we have the language filter. With the hotel being a site for younger people the managers are highly against swearing inside the hotel. Understandable. But theres 2 things wrong. The word that is used to substitute said curse word is bobba. how originaly annoying. Habbo hobba bobba, see the pattern here? everytime i see that word it makes me go crazy! Secondly, the language filter is RELENTLESS! it will block the cuss word even if its part of a word. Eg. embarASSed changes to embarbobbaed leading to the author to think of a new word. it will work with anything, i used to have lots of examples but i cant think of any off the top of my head now.

3) The Hobbas (The fuzz)
The hobbas are the hotel moderators. They randomly visit rooms so newbies can gather around them and shout "OMFG j00 R T3h H0bBA!!!!!1" over and over and over! excuse me but they dont do anything. The hobbas application requires that you are over 18 (People who are on this site when they are 18 need friends or alchohol) Have been registered to the chatroom for 12 weeks. Log in more than 200 times (yea, now you are responsible) and to obey the "habbo way" which no-one reads anyway so is a bit pointless. The real way they select hobbas is how much money they have donated to habbo through furni and if they are in the "habbo club." I have yet to see a hobbas with no furni or not in the habbo club!

4) The Extortion
The peer pressure to get furni on habbo is astounding. I was bullied into buying an entire room within the first week i had registered. heres a script

Habbo-Dude: its sort of busy here do you have a room?
Habbo-Guy: No
Habbo-Dude: you n00b! i dont want to talk to you! *walks off
Habbo-Guy: What just happened?
*everyone else in the room leaves
*Message From A Hobba
You have been banned for 5 hours for not having a room

Well thats habbo hotel for you - if your 11 years old and you want to check it out be my guest but in the end you WILL end up starting a crusade to bring it down (like myself )

Goodluck and goodbye


www.habbohotel.com - American version
www.habbohotel.co.uk - British version (better version)

habbo hotel có nghĩa là

Habbo hotel. A giant orange building where there are many rooms with many many 'themes'. You are a 'habbo'. a badly animated pixel bloke/lass who has a p (password) has hackers call it because the word password is banned as are many other words such as pizza and rude words all replaced with bobba. You can control by clicking on where you want to go in a room (where you feel cramped cuz it's overcrowded and lonely cuz you have no furni or people cuz you have no credits cuz your a loser ((or normal person who doesn't waste money on habbo)). Habbo has very VERY strict rules because everyone tries to corrupt the system so the hobbas try to kick everyone. Hobbas are whiny teenage losers who finally get a bit of power when they lie that they are 18 on the internet and become a hobba. They ban you for almost anything and are rather gay. Habbo sucks you in by offering fake virtual furni for real genuine money. If you are hacked or kicked you don't even get a refund. If on habbo hotel for at least a day you will most certainly meet wannabee: hackers, hookers and paedophiles and people who want to cyber (All rulebreakers). Who never seem to get kicked yet YOU do! Habbo SUCKS.


Kids! Don't let HABBO HOTEL suck you in with it's mind washing powers!
Habbo1: Gimme your p and I give you furni!
Habbo2: Here! ****
Habbo1: I have you now! >:D
Habbo2: Nooo! :'(

habbo hotel có nghĩa là

A online chatroom which is probably the cause of low grades at schools and unemployment by people playing this instead of worrying about the facts of real life. if you dare to play this, please treat it as a chatroom and not a game. Tends to be full of people who make fansites where they have forums where people come along to chat about the chatroom. You buy credits to pay for furniture (pictures) unlike real life where you pay for something and get something and when you are fed up you can sell it, on habbo you pay for it and get it (in picture form) and in the end of the day its on there server so it remains theres forever and if you do get fed up with habbo you cannot get any money back from it. Another thing you can buy on here is habbo club which is a bad invention because if you arent one you get called a noob and get discrimated which forses you to buy it. Remember go on there to chat, dont live it.


habbo hotel geek: i have 100 rooms loaded with rares he he
guy: i have a real life and im happy

habbo hotel có nghĩa là

100% CRAP
not from concentrate.
Ingredients: 40% 50 year old overweight man-beats wanting 'cyber' for a cheap orgasm, 30% mindless youths buying 'credits' for pixelated furniture, games you can get free, and 'hc badges' to make up for their own unsocial lives, 20% chavs (see other desc.) 5% 'moderators' apparantly keeping an eye on the fuckers while actually what they probably do is sit in a chair with a box of doughnuts dishing out credits and thinking of new ways to scam money from kids,5% actual humain people willing for time-worthy conversation (of which are hard to find).
Conatins 100% of your RDA of SHIT.
Best served chilled.


'moderators': hey kids buy credits and gain the respect and love of your fellow 3cm high friends!
50 year old man-beast: YEY FINALLY! SEXUAL RELEASE!!!!!!!!
habbo hotel

habbo hotel có nghĩa là

A virtual internet community that has become a common raid target for 4chan's /b/ (random) image board. Oftentimes /b/-tards create /b/lockades by placing their characters in a doorway or other bottleneck, blocking off access to other areas and generally pissing everyone off. Although Habbos absolutely hate this practice, most /b/-tards regard it as simply funny as hell.


"/b/lockade time!'"

~Anonymous, calling his fellow anonymii to Habbo Hotel

habbo hotel có nghĩa là

Absolutely the worst festering pile of shit on the internet. Inhabited soley by 12 year old chavs, pseudo-gangsters and 46-year-old child molesters. If you value your sanity and don't want to lose all faith in the worth of the internet, do not go here.


"Furni" is the most rediculous word on the internet.

habbo hotel có nghĩa là

A community plagued with false identities, and incompetent moderators. You get to mix with the socially inept, and the stereotypical looks, to the unusual attitudes and the Habbo proclaimed legends, the Habbo Staff, who are loved because of their unique shiny badge. But the most indecent act, their scheming efforts to drag money out of pre adolescent teenagers, who incidentally, find it hard to obtain weekly cash as it is. Sometimes, you even get judged by your look off some prejudice room owner, offering a wild party.

But why do I visit? It’s something I enjoyed doing, until I realized I was idiotic enough to give my money, which I earned off the company I work for, and fund it back into Habbo Ltd. However, it does offer a exclusive chatting experience. Weather it’s to send malicious threats through the blue question marks, or to insult the Ineffectual moderators with random, childish insults, it does get disturbingly addictive.

However, Habbo is probably the most established chatting website on the net. It gives you the chance to interact with other people around the world. Indeed you get the self proclaimed pessimists, such as myself, who dislike the habbo staff because of their money making schemes and antics. But it still manages to attract over 5,000 visitors on certain hours, and has over 5 different hotels running in different countries. That though, is an achievement.



But if you join the Habbo Club you'll have better clothes and furniture for your rooms!

They are pulling you in.

habbo hotel có nghĩa là

A stupid dumb virtual game which oyu have to pay money to get virtual furni. It is addicting u cant stop buying virtual furniture trust me ive' wasted over $500 on this virtual game it sucks the life right out of you .


kid-starts playing habbo HOTEL
3 days later
kid-starts buying furni2months later
has wasted over $500


habbo hotel có nghĩa là

Habbo hotel is a seriously fucked up game, it was originally designed for 14-18 year olds then little 11 year olds came thinking they could get a fake gf/bf, most of the time people on there aare just pervets looking for some fun, and you know what i mean. People actually pay for cyber furniture? its stupid. i used to play, i got a aqua smoke machine for free off my mate.


ths is how i got a permanent ban, i accidently got the description mixed up with the name. the description was 'retro mystifcation', so i said selling retro mystification

(other people selling stuff)
*log off*
next day i log back in
*logs on to habbo hotel*
from habbo: Your account has been permanently banned, reason: 'some reason i can't remember'. Apparently i was advertising a retro website where i would steal passwords, its stupid, don't get sucked into the game people.

habbo hotel có nghĩa là

Habbo Hotel is just some fucked up little pixelated world. I can't see why people play it. You have to pay money for shitty little pixelated furniture and accessories. This is the place where all those little 9 year old horny bithes go to get some virtual boyfriend/girlfriend.

See also: junkie, slang, pedafile, dick head, apocalypse


dick_head1: Will u go out wif me???

dick_head2: yh sure. lets hav sex now.

dick_head1: get lost. ur dumped!

dick_head2: u broke my hart u bitch!!!


dick_head3: wanna buy sum cheats?

dick_head4: ummmm!!!! i'm tellin of u and ur gonna get banned from goin on habbo hotel 4eva!!!

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