Form id myform action url target _top method post năm 2024

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  • Nice share! so target becomes the action=”url.html”.
  • And I used to use java script to do this :O Thanks for sharing
  • so if it is deprecated, what would be the alternative to open a form in a new window?
  • Unfortunately, this is not totally ‘universally supported’ – it seems like if you try to have multiple forms doing this on one page (in a data grid, for example) – submitting one form kills the others so you get nothing on click (so far confirmed on latest webkit (safari 5.1, chrome 13), but the trick still works with Firefox 6) So if you’re using this on a site with multiple forms, you may wish to take a look at alternatives.
  • Of course after being all doom & gloom I found the solution – each form must have a unique id attribute in order for this to work in Safari:

    This doesn’t work:

    <form action="#" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="submit"> </form> <hr> Then this: <form action="#" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="submit"> </form>

    but this does:

    Click this: <form id="form1" action="#" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="submit"> </form> <hr> Then this: <form id="form2" action="#" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="submit"> </form>

  • but where to give target file ?

So, can someone elaborate… I need a form with a drop down box with the names of some web pages. Choosing a web page and clicking submit should open to that page (in a new tab). How is this done?

I’ve found the solution I need at The issue got convoluted because I didn’t want to use a regular submit button, as I would have had to create new styles, but already had existing styles for an anchor tag that emulated a button. You can see it in action here: Anyway, thanks for the post. It was helpful!!

The HTML form tag <form> and </form> is to create a form in your web page. All the input elements should go between the <form> and </form> tags.

You can have more than one HTML forms in a single page. However, do not nest HTML forms ( Don’t put one form in another form)! The general syntax of the form tag is given below: <form action="server-script-url-here" method="GET or POST" > ...Input elements go here... </form>

The following are the attributes you can have in the form tag:


The HTML form action attribute points to the URL to which the form submission is sent. This will normally be a server side script written in a scripting language like Perl or PHP.

Example 1, Absolute URL: <form action="//someserver/cgi-bin/">

If the form handling script is in the same website, you can give the relative URL:

Example 2, Relative URL: <form action="/cgi-bin/">

Learn about dynamically changing action field: Switching form action field dynamically


Method of sending data to the action URL. The value is either ‘get’ or ‘post’. In the GET method, the form data is sent as part of the URL like:

GET method is suitable for small forms like a search form. For larger forms, use the POST method. Default is the GET method.


The ‘Enctype’ attribute is for specifying the MIME type to be used for encoding the form data.

Some examples are: enctype="text/plain" data is sent as plain text <form action="//someserver/cgi-bin/">

0 used when files are uploaded


Specifies the window to be used to load the response of the form submission. You can use the name of a window, frame or any of the following reserved keywords:

  • <form action="//someserver/cgi-bin/">

    1 Opens in a new window
  • <form action="//someserver/cgi-bin/">

    2 The response is loaded in the same window that contains the form
  • <form action="//someserver/cgi-bin/">

    3 Loads in parent window. Used when the form is in a frame. The response is loaded in the parent frame
  • <form action="//someserver/cgi-bin/">

    4 Loads in the top most window. Used when the form is in a frame. If the Target field is not mentioned, the response is loaded in the current window itself.

Opening the response of a form in a new window

If you want to open the response of the form in a new window, you can use <form action="//someserver/cgi-bin/">

1 for the target field. The example below loads the results of a search in a new window: <form action="../javascript-form/submit-form.html" target="_blank"> Query: <input type="text" name='query'/> <input type="submit" value="submit" /> </form>

See the code above at work: HTML Form Target Field Example

The ‘id’ attribute

The ‘id’ attribute is used to give identification to the form. For example, if you are using the JavaScript Form Validator, you will need the ‘id’ of the form to specify the form validations.

What is _top in Target?

A target=\"_top\" attribute specifies that the the linked page or form response will be opened in the topmost frame. The topmost frame is the full browser tab and window.nullHTML target _top, - › html › target › topnull

What is a form action URL?

The formaction attribute forces a form to direct to the specified URL instead of the URL specified as the value of the action attribute in the element. Valid for submitting elements, including and and .nullHTML5 Forms: FormAction Type Attribute - › html5 › formaction-attributenull

What is form method POST action?

The method attribute of the form element tells the web browser how to send form data to a server. Specifying a value of POST means the browser will send the data to the web server to be processed.nullWhat Form Method Tells Your Web Browser In HTML: An Easy Tutorial » › attributes › form-methodnull

What is target _blank in form action?

you can use the target="_blank" attribute in the form tag. Here's an example. By adding target="_blank", the form submission result will open in a new tab or window, depending on the user's browser settings. You can customize the thank you message on the page specified by the action attribute of the form.nullForm Submission Redirect To Open A New Window - HubSpot › Lead-Capture-Tools › td-pnull

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