facerolling là gì - Nghĩa của từ facerolling

facerolling có nghĩa là

Originating (presumably) on the World of Warcraft forums, this is an essentially derogatory concept some people employ that means that all that a certain class must do in order to achieve success in the game is to bind every key on their keyboard to one ability that is perceived to be overpowered, and then continue to roll their face across the keyboard. The notion is that this one ability is so amazingly overpowered in relation to those of other classes, all one has to do is absently spam it as much as possible (and they might as well do it with their face, because there isn't any other use for the big stupid thing on top of their shoulders).


Priest: waah waah I'm a little bitch

Warrior: Oh stfu -
1) bind every key on your keyboard to Flash Heal
2) faceroll

facerolling có nghĩa là

Background: when someone alleges a World of Warcraft class is either A) very simple to play, requiring no attention to dps rotation or B) has a hugely overpowered ability that compromises a unfair % of their DPS done. In those situations, you, the alleged simpleton, would then keybind your entire keyboard to one or two abilities, carefully place left cheekbone on the W key, and while maintaining consistent pressure between your face and keyboard, roll your lips, nose, right cheekbone to about the L key, and then backwards to the W key, and then repeat.


"Death Knight DPS is faceroll, heart strike heart strike death strike"

facerolling có nghĩa là

a faceroll is when playing a video game, to use one's face on the keyboard to play the game instead of using one's hands. (See alternate definition for etymology relating to World of Warcraft and one very specific meaning.) CONNOTATION This is a hyperbolic, humorous term used to imply that certain kinds of play are overpowered (i.e. unfair), very easy (again in contrast to others), or are marked by being devoid of any strategy. That is to say, you can play the game successfully (1) without looking at the screen and (2) by hitting random keys (with your face.) The term faceroll can be used as generally derogatory or inflammatory, as it is essentially a personal attack devaluing the video game developers's judgment. Evolution of the use of the term into gamer lexicon demonstrates the term can simply be used humorously as an absurdity (to alleviate tension rather than create an indictment.)


--In context of World of Warcraft-- "I played a Paladin once. I started playing, and then rolled my face over the keyboard. When I looked up, I was in Outland." (This comment suggests that 1/3 of the game content can be completed using a Paladin character in one faceroll. This comment is witty and humorous as an absurdity, because it would take ~50-60 hours of play time to complete this task.) "We don't need to use crowd control in this dungeon. We can just faceroll it." (This player is arguing that the dungeon is so easy, the group doesn't need to pay attention to what they are doing.)

facerolling có nghĩa là

1. Someone that knows nothing about a pc or technology in general.

2. Can also be used to refer about playing different classes in World of Warcraft. At the time of this writing players with Rogues and Warlocks are known to be facerollers in PVP. That is, it doesn't take much skill to play either class, just someone rolling their face on the keyboard can rack up honor in PVP.


1. "My mom is such a faceroller when it comes to pc's"

2. "Dude, I facerolled my way to PVP epix!!111oneone"

facerolling có nghĩa là

a term referring to the act of,in any fps(first person shooter), using your teammates as bait to weaken a large number of opponents, and then quickly running in and get several headshots with a shitty gun and thereby stealing kills, and points, from your teammates


dude, that guy is such an asshole. all he does is run in late and faceroll everyone

facerolling có nghĩa là

Game played with smartphones with a facebook app, such like iPhone. The game consists by scrolling down eachothers friends list and picking out a random person (girls for boys, and boys for girls ) writing something or doing something (mutually agreed upon) embarrasing on their wall.


Writing "Wanna grab a cup of coffe?" to an ex with you have an infected relationship with or writing "oh my god, you are so hot" to a friends hot mom. Thats facerolling!

facerolling có nghĩa là

Placing your face on the left (or right) side of your keyboard and rolling it to the opposite side, then posting your results out of disbelief.


My teammate totally just got owned by a 12 year old so I had to /faceroll.

facerolling có nghĩa là

- To play a game without thinking about it or using strategy. - To play through a particular boss or dungeon while ignoring the mechanics of that boss or dungeon. - To play in a way that's analogous to rolling your face on your keyboard. It's commonly used in World of Warcarft, where people who are over-geared or over-leveled for the dungeon that they are in, can finish it, despite mindlessly ignoring the mechanics of the dungeon.


This dungeon is so easy that you can just faceroll it.

facerolling có nghĩa là

A term used to describe victory over someone that involved anything but actual skill.


That guy that took steroids facerolled me at arm wrestling

facerolling có nghĩa là

faceroll - is the term used to define an arena team's make-up of same class toon. Many teen and kids have associated keyrolling or pwning to be the same thing as facerolling. In 2005, if you asked for a faceroll 5's team it meant you want the same class make-up for the whole team. You can not faceroll someone in a duel you can only pwn them.


Druid: We just facerolled you.
Pally: No you didn't, you barely won.
Druid: No kid, FaceRolled as in a team of boomkins

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