Efforts are bearing fruit là gì

Thứ Năm, 03 11 2011 11:41

(Ngày đăng: 07-03-2022 15:47:57)


Trong tiếng Anh, bear là một động từ có nghĩa chịu, chịu đựng, chống đỡ. Dưới đây, là một số cách dùng thành ngữ với Bear.

Idioms with Bear:

Bear the brunt of sth:

 Suffer most as the result of an attack, a loss, bad luck.

(Chịu đựng nhiều nhất như hậu quả của một cuộc tấn công, một sự mất mát, không may mắn).

Ex: We all lost money when the business collapsed but I bore the brunt of it because I had invested the most.

(Tất cả chúng ta đều lỗ tiền khi doanh nghiệp phá sản nhưng tôi đã gánh chịu nó vì tôi đã đầu tư nhiều nhất).

Bear fruit:

Have the desired result; Be successful.

(Có sự quyết định kết quả; Thành công).

Ex: The tireless efforts of campaigners have finally borne fruit and the prisoners are due to be released tomorrow.

(Những nỗ lực không ngừng nghỉ của các nhà vận động cuối cùng đã mang lại kết quả và các tù nhân sẽ được thả ra vào ngày mai).

Like a bear with a sore head:

Very bad - tempered (rất nóng tính).

Ex: She’s like a bear with a sore head in the mornings.

(Cô ấy rất cáu vào buổi sáng).

Tài liệu tham khảo: Oxford Idioms by Oxford University Press. Bài viết idioms with Bear được biên soạn bởi giáo viên trung tâm tiếng Anh SGV.

Nguồn: //saigonvina.edu.vn

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bear fruit

Idiom(s): bear fruit


to yield results; to give (literal or figurative) fruit.
• Our apple tree didn't bear fruit this year.
• I hope your new plan bears fruit. • We've had many good ideas, but none of them has borne fruit.

bear fruit|bear|fruit

v. phr. To yield results. We hope that the company's new investment policy will bear fruit.

bear fruit

1. Literally, to produce fruit, as of certain trees and plants. Now that the tree in our back yard is bearing fruit, the kids love picking apples from it.2. By extension, to yield desired results. Donna is convinced that this plan will bear fruit if we just keep working on it, but it's been a year—the rest of us are officially skeptical.Learn more: bear, fruit

bear fruit

1. Lit. [for a plant or tree] to yield fruit. Our apple tree didn't bear fruit this year.
2. Fig. to yield results. I hope your new plan bears fruit. We've had many good ideas, but none of them has borne fruit.Learn more: bear, fruit

bear fruit

Yield results, have a favorable outcome, as in This new idea of his is bound to bear fruit. This metaphoric term, first recorded in 1879, transfers the production of fruit by a tree or plant to other kinds of useful yield. Learn more: bear, fruit

bear fruit

FORMALCOMMON If an action bears fruit, it produces good results. The strategy of concentrating the company's efforts on a smaller range of businesses is now beginning to bear fruit. It remains to be seen whether the economic reforms will bear fruit.Learn more: bear, fruit

bear fruit

have good results. This expression is a biblical metaphor, found, for example, in Matthew 13:23: ‘But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty’.Learn more: bear, fruit

bear ˈfruit

have the desired result; be successful: The tireless efforts of campaigners have finally borne fruit and the prisoners are due to be released tomorrow.Learn more: bear, fruit
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