conserve là gì - Nghĩa của từ conserve

conserve có nghĩa là

1) One who espouses a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change.

2) One who believes in less government being better government.

3) One who believes in such "outmoded" ideas as civil liberties (freedom of speech, separation of church and state, right to keep and bear arms, that kind of thing)

4) One for whom the Republican Party no longer truly speaks.

5) a word that today's so-called "conservatives" don't know the definition of.


"Today's so-called 'conservatives' don't even know what the word means. They think I've turned liberal because I believe a woman has a right to an abortion. That's a decision that's up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right. It's not a conservative issue at all." -- Barry Goldwater

conserve có nghĩa là

If used in a non-political sense, "conservative" simply means "not much."


I'd like a large popcorn with a conservative amount of butter, please.

conserve có nghĩa là

Despite the misgivings of certain individuals who have an absurdly black/white view of the political spectrum, conservatism does not instantly mean hypocrasy and it certainly is not necessarily far-right in philosophy. Conservatism can be broadly categorised in two areas:

1. Fiscal conservatism. A belief in personal responsibility for finances. Scaling back taxation to allow greater control over individual incomes. Conservative thinking promotes cutbacks in public spending enabling tax breaks to be given to those that are earning, and believes in helping those out of work back into self sufficiency.

2. Social conservatism. Contrary to the fiscal conservatism, social conservatives believe in placing restrictions on personal freedoms, resulting in more government involvement into the daily lives of individuals. This is also known as neo-conservative.


I am a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal.

conserve có nghĩa là

Most often members of the Republican Party in America. Most often known as fucking nuts by the rest of the world.


Ohh, look at me! I'm a tree huggin, baby clubbin liberal! I can read and write! I care about people! - conservative negative ad on liberals.

conserve có nghĩa là

1) A non argument used by people, egged on by talking heads. Often used in place of an intelligent point.

2) An economic ideology that emphasizes fiscal responsibility: Saving money as opposed to spending it.

3) A political ideology that less is more when in refference to the scale that Government should play in daily life.

4) Not to be confused with neo-conservative or neo con which emphasizes spending, and larger government.


1) You dirty conservative, you ate my baby!

2) The annual budget report angered many conservatives due to the outrageous disparity between the money created, and spent.

3) Mike appreciated a conservative approach to government, less is more.

4) Most true conservatives are deeply bothered by the wave of neo-cons that have come into existance.

conserve có nghĩa là

1)A term for people who learn towards the right side of the political spectrum. Like all political idealogies, it has both good and bad points.
2)(In America) A political affliation. Conservatives tend to believe in people taking care of themselves with as little government help as possible. They do not usually believe in social welfare systems. They also tend beleive in a strict interpretation of the Constitution in regard to the powers of the governement. Many but not all conservatives are supportive of the war in Iraq. A large portion of conservatives are Republicans.
Sadly, some conservatives (as with all groups of people) are biased and blindlly accuse liberals and other people they don't like of being "un-american" or not committed to protecting our country from terrorists.
3)a) Careful or cautious about things
b) not given to flamboyancy.


Ex. 1) A group of conservative farmers fought government laws that would regulate the amount of fertilizer they could use per year.
2) The conservative politcal commentator started attacking liberal policies, but his facts were not very good.
3)a) We need to be conservative with our firewood so it doesn't run out.
b) That's a very conservative outfit you're wearing for that job interview.

conserve có nghĩa là

The fear that someone somewhere, may be happy.


Conservatives believe in equality for all heterosexual, Christian white males.

conserve có nghĩa là

A person who espouses the idea of "less government". However, they tend to espouse the idea of "less government" more when it comes to spending money for social programs. They have no qualms about looking over people's shoulders, spying on or jailing people for suspected "un-American activities" at a base that is not even on American soil. Among their interference in our lives: spying on cell phone calls without permission of Congress, saying, "I'm the president. Why do I need anyone's permission?", or using brute military force to enforce their vision of that things should be like on the outside world. They believe in torture in the name of national security. As far as financial responsibility, they believe in shrinking down every part of the government but giving the Department of Defense what is essentially a blank check, and run up horrific deficits fighting senseless, endless wars. Strength is good, but waste is not. They are often religious, but they seem to have Jesus Christ confused with Ronald Reagan. Their philosophies are often subtly or blatantly racist and xenophobic, and they have been known to advocate disenfranchisement of women and minorities (see: ann coulter because these groups overwhelmingly vote liberal and are growing much faster than the aging white male voter base they rely on. Their failed policies were rejected in the 2008 election, by the "true" patriots of our great country.


Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are examples of the consummate conservative gone mad: God, church, family, country, torture, domestic spying, and killing the ragheads.

conserve có nghĩa là

A Political phrase that has been thrown around so much that it has lost its meaning and has many people who pretend to be it(Just as with the word Liberal).

Conservatives generally believe in less government and a government that only steps in when necessary.

On Economic Issues, Conservatives generally believe in low taxes, a flat income tax(seeing that it is the only equal and constitutional way to conduct a tax) and financial independence. They believe that a person's money belongs to the person, not the government. They believe in less government spending and fewer government programs. They are against welfare(both Corporate and Private) and intervention in the economy. These beliefs are generally known as "Fiscal Conservatism".

On Social Issues, Conservatives believe in interfering only when someone's constitutional rights are at risk. This is why many Conservatives are Pro-Life(they see abortion as an attack on a human being's constitutional right to live). Conservatives are against "Big Brother" telling you how to live your life.

Many Conservatives believe in an idea known as "Peace Through Strength." An idea that revolves around military strength and the power of intimidation to avoid war.

Conservatives are usually identified with the Republican Party, although in recent years, the Party has broken into a civil war between Conservatives and Neo-Conservatives(Not to be confused with Conservatives). And, recently, Neo-Conservatives have began to use the term "conservative" to refer to their own beliefs. However, some prominent Conservatives, such as John McCain, Ron Paul, and Fred Thompson, have risen and popularity as well as the ideas behind True Conservatism.


John McCain and Ron Paul are Conservatives, Rush Limbaugh is not.

conserve có nghĩa là

to hoard a stash to yourself, usually of marijuana; an excuse not to share your weed.


Sorry bro, I gotta conserve till this weekend.