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Multi Intelligence Biz Solution (MIBS)

Employer Branding | Công ty TNH Multi Intelligence Biz Solution (MIBS)

Công ty TNHH Giải pháp Kinh doanh Multi Intelligence (MIBS) (một thành viên thuộc Emmaus-Group) là một công ty Agency về Event & Communication, được thành lập với mục đích đổi mới các giải pháp và nâng cao hiệu quả cho các hoạt động/sự kiện kinh doanh của Doanh nghiệp. Với mong muốn trở thành một đối tác được tin cậy và là sự lựa chọn hàng đầu của các Doanh nghiệp. Cam kết mang lại giải pháp hiệu quả chính là yếu tố nền tảng mà MIBS mang đến cho đối tác của mình. MIBS luôn tin rằng với sự cống hiến đó sẽ giúp Doanh nghiệp giảm thiểu những vấn đề trong qui trình/hoạt động /sự kiện kinh doanh, nhằm giúp khách hàng tập trung vào những mục tiêu chủ đạo trong kinh doanh, nhanh chóng tiếp cận khách hàng mục tiêu, nâng cao danh tiếng thương hiệu và tăng doanh số bán hàng. Các giải pháp từ MIBS: 1. Event & Activation 2. Public Relations 3. Advertising 4. Social Media 5. Digital Marketing

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Kim Ngọc

Content Creator | Advertising Vietnam

Hà Duyên

Content Writer | Advertising Vietnam

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Established in 2012, MIBS has embraced the relentless pursuit of improvement and innovation for our clients’ efficiency. We mainly focus on cost leadership strategy to help our clients gain a competitive edge in today's fast-paced business environment.

We truly recognize that having the right people is essential for any business to be successful. Happily, we have them onboard; and we also want our clients to have access to the same. Obviously, you will find that MIBS has passion and a belief in a high level of customer service. Thanks to our passionate and dedicated staff, we work in ways to build your trust in us - that is our goal!

More than that, our success is grounded on developing people who will shape the future of MIBS. Likewise, we want you to be more successful - therein lies our success.

Thank you for taking the time to explore our website. We do hope you find it interesting, useful and valuable.

Yours sincerely,

Managing Director

Joseph Pham


We can help you with

  • Large scale events

  • ### Brand Activation

Large scale events Brand Activation CORPORATE EVENT & PARTY


  • Strategy development

    Strategy development

    Communication planning is the first important step that not only determines up to 90% success of a campaign but also restricts crises for the brand
  • Creative concepting

    Creative concepting

    What helps consumer remember brands in the context of rapidly changing media speeds? It can only be creative ideas through campaigns for brands to make a prominence on consumers
  • Content Production


    Content Production

    How to turn a reader into a customer? MIBS has experiences specializing in consulting and producing high-quality content in multiple formats and fields on multiple platforms to help brands convey content that meets the psychology and needs of users.
  • Social media

    Social media

    Social networks are considered an indispensable communication channel for bran. Users can interact with brand information quickly and directly wherever they are. With experiences implementing social media campaigns, experts at MIBS will help brands eliminate many trials and optimize costs.
  • Influencers


    There is database of 1.000+ influencers including mega, macro, micro, and nano across multi-channel social platforms. Our influencers strategy is incorporated into the consumer journey, which helps build trust, develop brand awareness, and increase your sales opportunities. Regardless of your budget and objectives, we can identify RIGHT influencers for the right job
  • Media relation

    Media relation

    Building a relation-ship with journalism will help limit negative information that affects the brand. By cooperating with MIBS, brands will be connected and advised by experts on positive messages for the brand. MIBS activities provide to the brand such as: creating press releases, organizing events, and sending letters and emails to the media….

Crisis management

Crisis management

Brands must be ready to face potential risks in the business life. Sometime people do not know where it come from. Moreover, there some risks will become crisis. Therefore, brands need to always be wise and alert to information about the brand in the market. Join MIBS experts in programming a system to prevent, respond, and protect your brand before and during a crisis.

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