Cladun returns this is sengoku review

Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! is one of those games that I appreciate more than I actually enjoy. Like, I’m glad that it exists. It’s a fast-paced, twitchy dungeon-crawler, the sort of thing that’s perfect for playing on the Vita…and yet, at the same time, it kind of bores me.

I don’t think these two sentiments are mutually exclusive, either. I genuinely believe that Cladun Returns has a great concept, and that it executes it exceedingly well. The game places a premium on getting in and out of dungeons as quickly as possible, to the point that the game gives you a timer and a reward for beating your previous best times. Everything about is fast-paced, from character movement, to attacks, to your options for moving around the hub world (more games should utilize fast travel as wel as this one does), and the dungeons are small enough that you can legitimately squeeze them in during even the shortest commutes. The game is somewhat reminiscent of The Binding of Isaac, only with the key difference that there’s no roguelike shenanigans going on here — the dungeons stay the same, because again, the focus here is speed. (It’s also worth nothing that Cladun Returns is far less scatological, which is something I — and my squeamish stomach — appreciate.)

Cladun Returns also manages to incorporate the past without being indebted to it. Unlike a lot of other retro-tinged games that use their pixels as an excuse to punish anyone foolhardy enough to play, Cladun Returns simply looks and sounds like an ’80s refugee. That’s not to say the game isn’t challenging — because it definitely can be — but, again, the emphasis here is on speed, not sadism.

So, why am I so reluctant to say that I enjoy it? In part, it’s actually because the levels are so short. Consider the math: you can beat a dungeon in a couple of minutes. The main game takes abou 25-30 hours to complete, and side quests can add on dozens more hours. In other words, even if you don’t spend a lot of time in any one, specific dungeon, you still have to do lots and lots of grinding.

The Cladun Returns’ other problem, in my eyes, is its controls. Given that you’re expected to quickly grind your way through dungeon after dungeon, you’d think the game would have an easy-to-use battle system. Instead, your hero’s stabs and slashes are incredible imprecise, and you sometimes need to get right up against a monster to ensure you’re swinging your sword in the right direction. I’ve definitely played worse, and it adds to the game’s retro-ness, but it’s clearly an area that could be improved.

Even if I’m not crazy about Cladun Returns, however, I’ll circle back to what I said up top: I may not love it, but I appreciate that it does what it aims to do pretty well. If you’re in the mood for a fast-paced, pick up & play dungeon-crawler, I’d be hard-pressed to name a game that does it better than this one.

There is more to this game, a lot more, but I just don't care. Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! can be played for hundreds of hours, but these are hours I want to spend with something I actually like. There are a lot of facets here, including quests I can take, a bizarre Fortify feature, an art studio where I can customize characters and gear, and time challenges for each of the dungeons that make up the story mode. Again, all of that I should enjoy, and yet it just does nothing for me. If you can get into this game — and I recommend you play the demo before you buy — you'll probably have a lot more fun than I did. Which is to say you'll have any amount of fun at all.

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ClaDun Returns: This is Sengoku! should be thoroughly appreciated by fans of random adventures and Sengoku history buffs alike.

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Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku!'s bite-sized stages are best suited to quick stints of dungeon delving. Stay much longer, and you might stumble across the frustrations that lie in its depths. Bouts of trial and error gameplay drag down an otherwise addictive release, and convoluted upgrade systems keep you from getting straight into the action. Still, the process of powering up your pixelated protagonist is a rewarding one once you find your groove.

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Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! is the third chapter of a series which was born on PSP seven years ago. This new episode follows in the footsteps of the prequel and also introduces new interesting gameplay features.

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Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! is for gamers who want a quick and satisfying dungeon-crawling experience. The game is fast enough to pick up for ten minutes and complete a few missions, but also has some deep systems that can take hours of your time and push the game to its highest potential.

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Despite wasting a wonderful setting and story setup, Cladun Returns still manages to be a triumphant comeback for Nippon Ichi Software. The game's fast-paced brand of dungeon crawling separates it from its competition, and the game is only beginning once the story wraps up. There's enough content here to keep players entertained for months if the game grabs players, although those looking for more structure will end up disappointed.

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ClaDun Returns might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it will definitely fill a void for players who want a throwback to something from the retro days that displays strong fundamentals towards its dungeon crawling roots. The game is loaded with content as there are tons of stages, and its compact brevity is ideal for portable playthroughs. Unfortunately, this same feature is also holding the game back, making it an extremely repetitively and somewhat flawed experience.

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Cladun is an action role-playing load and strategy, where the endless possibilities of combinations of weapons, armor, classes and Miracle Circle, they boosted the replay value.

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