Beautiful nghĩa tiếng việt là gì năm 2024

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The book provides an excellent, detailed insight into the beautiful and intriguing environment that has enabled the microelectronics revolution.

This is a very beautiful and useful book.

That some of these products are astonishingly beautiful does not negate the essential naivety of the thinking.

Despite the existence of reduplicative compounds, reduplication as a morphological process is nevertheless unproductive (*beautiful-beautiful, *happy-happy).

The voices are beautiful and well suited to the roles.

He asked whether an architect ought to be granted such wide latitude to 'butcher really beautiful buildings'.

Every individual entity is beautiful, perhaps - but that leaves ugliness in plenty to be transformed or salvaged.

The graph in figure 12 shows a beautiful picture of what happens.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

He asked whether an architect ought to be granted such wide latitude to 'butcher really beautiful buildings'.

That some of these products are astonishingly beautiful does not negate the essential naivety of the thinking.

This is a beautiful example of how languages grammaticalize the notions that are relevant to language users.

Every individual entity is beautiful, perhaps - but that leaves ugliness in plenty to be transformed or salvaged.

Therefore, accompanied by their spouses and other ethically challenged luminaries, they settled in a beautiful international site and decided to rewrite their document.

The voices are beautiful and well suited to the roles.

An extremely beautiful photographic record of a row of vortices in the case of 8 = 75" is shown in figure 15.

Wonder at any natural scene that is beautiful.

It's a very well arranged cemetery with a beautiful array of tombstones.

Despite the existence of reduplicative compounds, reduplication as a morphological process is nevertheless unproductive (*beautiful-beautiful, *happy-happy).

The book provides an excellent, detailed insight into the beautiful and intriguing environment that has enabled the microelectronics revolution.

But why is this more beautiful than the classical elegance of pre-planned harmony.

The graph in figure 12 shows a beautiful picture of what happens.

Also, its syntax hides the beautiful self-duality of the structure.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

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