alt-right là gì - Nghĩa của từ alt-right

alt-right có nghĩa là

A young branch of American conservatism focused mainly on white-supremacist, xenophobic identity politics and anti-immigration sentiment. Members of the alt-right will deny the label of "racist", and prefer to use obfuscating terms like "race realist" (to describe their pseudoscientifically-justified racial prejudices) and "cucks" (to describe a brainwashed 'politically correct' liberal being 'taken advantage of' by what they see as the lesser races.) The alt-right is a young movement born on the internet, growing out of the culture of open racism and trolling on 4chan, and uses memes and modern internet-speak as a primary mode of communication. The alt-right prefers "edgy" and antagonistic messaging, being rather aware of—even relishing in—their fringe position in the greater political discourse. As one might expect, they idolize presidential candidate Donald Trump, sharing his disdain for "political correctness" and propriety, and identifying with his aggressive persona and xenophobic rhetoric.


When I was growing up, I went on 4chan a lot. Saw some pretty messed up stuff there, but eventually I realized it was all a twisted joke, a bunch of repressed youngsters competing to see who could post the most offensive content for laughs. And so as I approached adulthood I grew out of it. Others like me were not so lucky, and rather than growing out of it, they dove further into the world of 'edgy' racial rhetoric and cultural antagonism, forming it into part of their identity as they reached adulthood. Those people went on to become the alt-right.

alt-right có nghĩa là

heavy set white guys in 3 piece suits shouting, "Heil Trump"


the alt-right rejects liberal bias of mainstream media

alt-right có nghĩa là

People who got so worked up and reactionary over SJW's who were rude that they decided to demonize all left-wing thinking.


The Millennial Communist oppressors will never turn us Alt-Right patriots into transvestites!

alt-right có nghĩa là

Another word for white supremacists and neo-nazis.


Person: So you're a racist?
Alt-Right: No, I'm part of the alt-right!
Person: But you believe that slavery should be reinstituted, think the nazis were right, and believe women shouldn't be able to vote.
Alt-Right: Yeah, but I'm not a racist or anything.
Person: That's literally the definition of racism.

alt-right có nghĩa là

Fancy term for a Neo-Nazi


Nazis were in Germany during WW2, I'm Alt Right. Heill Trump.

alt-right có nghĩa là

Second-wave anarcho-fascism that is united by anarcho-traditionalism


The alt-right idealizes aristocratic whiteness in which decentralized communities are disconnected from a centralized government; which preferably does not exist save for a supreme anarcho-monarchist

alt-right có nghĩa là

"How dare you call Hitler a Nazi! Slander!" The rebranding of a bunch of loosely-collected quasi-fascists who share a bitter hatred of the Left and a generally misanthropic, nihilistic outlook (that is, towards anyone that isn't them). Their ideology is usually vague, though they all have a dislike of intelligence, tolerance and femininity - and democracy, of course. The Alt Right's ranks are full of under-educated white men who transform their inner insecurities into rage, and that rage into misguided spite. The two main subsections are the autistic 4chan keyboard warriors (you'll hear them use the word soy boy even though they probably only leave their bedrooms once a week), and the tiki torch marchers, who have been known to use their feet to walk. They also murder people from time to time. It's an unholy combination of the bullied kids at school who are only a few steps away from shooting it up, and the old-school neo-Nazi youths (also bullied at school), some of whom are now actually fully-grown adults.


"Alt Right schmalt schmight, we all known its called they're fascists."

alt-right có nghĩa là

Short for "alternative right". Alt-right is a projective term used by neo-Marxists to brand anyone who does not want the ethnic genocide of Europeans and the destruction of western civilisation as a neo-nazi. The irony of a group that wants the destruction of an ethnic group they view as evil calling someone a neo-nazi is completely lost on anyone who uses the term.


"I don't want Europeans subverted out of their homeland and eventually being destroyed, Every race has a right to a homeland, and to live in peace" "OH MY GOD YOU'RE AN ALT-RIGHT NEO-NAZI!"

alt-right có nghĩa là

A term for politically motivated trolls. In particular, they're a troll who loves receiving cumshots from Liberals. They often swallow and swap the cum with friends who share the same views. Their most common tactic is being offensive despite all rational logic for the sake of simply being offensive. While most are also homosexual they are incapable of admitting it and as a result the suicide rate is high. They're closest cousin is an incel.


"Spray me you snowball cuck! Spray me! I'm a pretty little alt-righter and my mouth is wide open." - A typical alt-right asking for a liberals cum on his face and in his mouth.

alt-right có nghĩa là

movement of idiocy since a guy couldn't get any pussy


Incel: Fuck that bitch, I'm gonna join the alt-right 2nite.

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