A little thing called love review năm 2024

So what is Love? I really, really don’t know. Does true love exist? I don’t know, maybe. If it does, is it perfect? Hell No. 🤨

Although it’s not what exactly the film has focused on, there’s a sense. This film takes on the nostalgic feeling of something that’s connected with it. A touch of it, maybe. School days, the stage of adolescence, we get the sense of love, or something like that. Maybe everyone had it in their, as crushes. They’ve made your school life interesting, they made you want to attend school everyday. Weeks, months, even years maybe went in time. These feelings that now you understand as were silly, now you understand that everything you did that time was silly, but somehow, you don’t regret a drop of this nostalgia. The movie tries to illustrates those good times. 🙂✌️


The general information about the movie goes as…First Love, also is known as ‘A Crazy Little Thing Called Love' is a Thailand film released in 2010. This is a romantic comedy film in the Thai language with starring Mario Maurer (as P'Shone) and Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul (as P'Nam) directed by Puttipong Pormsaka Na-Sakonnakorn and Wasin Pokpong. This is a simple story that provokes your memories of love in your school days.


There is a girl named Nam who is dark-skinned and plain-looking but she is utterly adorable. She has an undying crush on Shone who is a very good-looking soccer star in the school. Though having slim chances to get Shone’s attention, the very good thing is she didn’t give up. So, the story is built around how Nam tries to win Shone’s heart. She has a small funny group of friends since Grade 1. They are the people who motivate and help Nam in every time and everything.


This movie simply portrays the beauty of the first love, friendship and dreams. Watching this movie will make you go back to your school memories, the craziest things that you have done to be noticed by your crush. Always fun to watch. In this movie, the most heart whelming scene is that Nam revealing her true feelings to Shone after three years. And the ending was unexpected. It was very brief as it just seemed like it ended because of the urgency to end. I do like the fact that the movie didn’ttry to create perfect characters. Everyone had their own story, their own faults, flaws and failures, but they were not shown as pessimistic. However, I think this teenage romance bears a striking resemblance to our lives in some way but those love stories very rarely end like this!😌


Watch this. Don’t expect so much seriousness, this is silly. But sometimes silly is good, You would see yourselves in Nam who had crushes in your beautiful schooldays.❣️

Cathy Maxwell delights with this novella introducing her new series, Marrying the Duke. Elin Morris has been betrothed from the cradle to the Duke of Baynton, and as their engagement draws near, will she actually marry him? This tale is that of Elin’s parents.

Fyclan Morris was born an Irish brat, with a gypsy grandmother who told him that he was destined for great things, and that his children’s children will be dukes and princes, but he must first meet the right woman. As the years passed, he amassed wealth, and is on the way to making a name for himself, but foremost on his mind was meeting his destined woman. The minute Fyclan spies Jennifer Tarleton down the street, he knew she is the one. Alas, when he sets out to convince Jennifer that they were meant to be, a wealthy marquess, a father determined to sell his daughter to the highest bidder, and Jennifer’s own fears stand in his way. Will he succeed in his suit?

Jennifer Tarleton has both beauty and brains, which has brought her nothing but pain. Her sisters resent her beauty, and her father is forcing her to marry a wealthy man for his gambling debts. The only joy in her life is books, and her family does not even support that. When she walks to borrow a book from a lord’s lending library, she meets Fyclan and becomes charmed by his easy understanding, as if he saw her for more than a pretty face. However, due to her weak heart, she’s been told that it’s unlikely she can have children, and this secret pushes her to indecision regarding her future.

For its length, Maxwell has penned a charming story of two people who defied their situation and strove for love as the ultimate goal in marriage. Fyclan’s courtship of Jennifer, through numerous letters hidden in books, is sweet and reveals much of their characters to each other. In the end, naturally, their love is achieved, and Fyclan’s grandmother is once again right in her prophecies. Will their children’s children become dukes and princes? I eagerly await Elin’s book, Match of the Century, to find out. ;)

*ARC received via Edelweiss for an honest review

1,366 reviews341 followers

April 6, 2017

**2.5 stars**

So this story is all about the heroine following her own path and not allowing her father to dictate who she would marry and then she turns around and affiances her own daughter to marry the heir of a duke when she's still a toddler?

This novella is pretty much a set up for the series. The hero's grandma first told him he would know the woman of his dreams when he first met her so when he saw the heroine, he knew it was the woman he was meant to marry. The heroine's father wants her to marry a rich dude to pay his debts and doesn't accept the hero's suit.

To be fair, the hero and heroine bond over their love of books so his grandma's prediction wasn't the only thing that drew him to her. That said, the end was so ridiculous that I cannot rate it higher. Didn't the author realized how contradictory it was?

I don't think I'll be reading the series.

audiobook historical-romance novella

790 reviews368 followers

February 4, 2019

”Was it wrong to hope to meet a man like the ones she read about in novels? Adventurous men, daring men, empathetic and compassionate men?”

What’s that, you say? A historical romance novel that doesn’t have a cad love interest only interested in getting it on. AND HE LIKES BOOKS?!!

But before we get into that, why don’t we delve into a little story time?

I had the opportunity to visit Ireland back in 2010. It’s a beautiful country with generally very nice, warm, and lovely people. One of our stops was Shannon, Ireland. After our planned activity of the day, we were usually given some time to shop around and explore on our own a bit. While exploring in one of these souvenir shops, the shopkeeper happened to stop us and ask us where we were from and how we were liking Ireland (I was traveling with a tour group). Then she happened to look at our name tags, and that’s where things got… interesting (at least on my end).

For some background reference, my first name is Katherine, which is considered to be a traditional Irish name in Ireland. But my last name is Weymouth. Weymouth. And it’s about as British of a name as they come. It reeks of Britain. Which wouldn’t be such of an issue, if it weren’t for the little fact that Britain and Ireland kind of can’t stand each other. If there were an award for ‘Longest Two Countries To Have Held A Grudge Against Each Other,’ they’d take the cake.

So I’m going to check out my purchases and the little old lady behind the counter looks at my nametag. The first thing she says is, ‘Oh, Katherine! What a lovely Irish name!’ (I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that it’s also a traditional British name as well). Then she got to my last name. Immediately, she makes such a face that you would’ve thought she swallowed a fresh glass of lemon juice. And she looks at me and she says, ‘Weymouth. That’s such a'….

**(pause for dramatic effect)**


**bangs the cash register closed and proceeds to keep looking at me as if I murdered her goldfish.**


In all honesty, 99% of the people we encountered in Ireland were the loveliest of people. But there are those who still hold a grudge, haha!!

This storytime is included in this review because it’s the same situation Jennifer Tarleton finds herself in when she meets Fyclan Morris. Jennifer Tarleton is the toast of society because of her beauty. But she’s unlike most society girls because she wants to marry for love, and she loves to read, two very undesirable features in proper young ladies of the time being. Furthermore, she can’t even begin to think of marrying for love, because she mainly has to marry a man with a big-ass wallet to help her pay off her father’s gambling debts. So when she meets Fyclan Morris on her way to find her next great book to read, she thinks she has it made; he’s rich AND she’ll be marring for love. And he loves her too! Easy peasy, right?

Wrong. Because while he’s handsome, funny, charming, bookish, clever, and fabulously wealthy, he also happens to be….


Oops. How’s that gonna work?

This was such an ooey-gooey romance. I had this stupid smile on my face the entire time I was reading this because it was just so damn cute. I loved Jennifer and Fyclan’s interactions with one another, even if it was them just talking about random quirks they both have.

”’I like the smell of paper.’ ‘I do as well,’ he said.”


Fyclan Morris also knows that Jennifer is the one, not just because his gran predicted it,

”’You’ll recognize her immediately,’ his Gran had said. ‘She’ll be fair to your dark, a light to your step, a force you will not deny.’”

, but because he admires her intelligence and wit as well.

”Miss Jennifer Tarleton was a treasure of the greatest value. She read! She valued books. Her physical beauty now blossomed in his mind when coupled with her intelligence.”

Do you know how freaking hard it is to find a historical romance where the hero admires the heroine for more than just her looks? It’s like finding a needle in a preverbal haystack; you’d have a better chance of finding the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow with his loot than finding a non-caddish hero. They’re just both too pure for this world.

I did have a few quibbles with it, such as the way Jennifer’s family treated her, and that the pacing was just a tad too fast for my liking. That and the fact that we never get a clear explanation to why Jennifer’s father hates Fyclan so much (other than that he’s Irish). And don't let that atrocious cover fool you; this ooey, gooey romance with two likable leads will worm its way into your heart.

And may those two pesky countries find a way to settle that damn grudge!!

adult book-boyfriends cute-and-fluffy

1,485 reviews26 followers

September 14, 2015

Posted on What I'm Reading

What a way to kickoff a new series. In A Little Thing Called Love we meet to Fyclan Morris and Jennifer Tarleton. Now Fyclan has gone into this belief that he would find the one woman that is suppose to make his world complete, and he finds her. Now Jennifer is this beauty that is suppose to save her family from ruin, which isn't easy because they view her as an oddity. Granted she was blessed with looks, but she has intellect. We all know that is looked down upon, so she has to keep her true thoughts to herself.

I love A Little Thing Called Love, because we have two people who are star cross. Jennifer's father wants her to marry for power and wealth, believing she could save them from ruin that he has cause. She realizes that she's nothing more than pawn. Her family treat her abominably. However, Fyclan views her as a treasure and should be treated like so. I love how he finds a way to show her that his love is true. Seriously, he's what a true hero is made. Even though it's a novella, it's a beautiful love story that gives hope that true love will conquer all. I can't wait to see what happens in series.

Copy provided by Avon via Edelweiss

670 reviews107 followers

January 12, 2016

If not for the earnestness of the storytelling, this would have been a two star book.

I am all one for romantic stories and an escape from real life, but this was too unbelievable. Fyclan and Jennifer see each other for the first time, "fall in love," and immediately abandon all common sense, rules of propriety, and ties to family to be together, I just couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes.

If some gentleman my family hated approached me with a bunch of talk about his grandmother's prophesy and our destiny to be together, it would have freaked me the hell out. STALKER anyone? After this initial scene, Maxwell does develop more of their relationship through letters, but most of this occurs "off page" as it were so it is harder for me to buy it.

Despite their unbelievable relationship, I did enjoy the ending and seeing how Maxwell tied everything together and created an opening for her new series. That is what bumped it up a star for me. Fyclan and Jennifer had common interests and Maxwell was very convincing in her description of personal choice and fate. It was an interesting philosophy and one I had not seen in romance in quite this way. This unique perspective saved the story for me. I may eventually read the first in the new series, but it won't be a priority.

Since many of my GR friends like Maxwell's work, I will be trying other works before I stop reading her. She may not be my style, but I have two books on my shelf that I will try before I give up. Her writing is good so she may change my mind!

168 reviews15 followers

September 14, 2015

Hi y’all! So this is the first introduction to Cathy’s new series, Marrying the Duke!

It’s a short novella and a very heartwarming and loving start into a new series. It’s definitely A Little Thing Call Love kind of story~

To start, this story is about the parents of the main characters in the series. It’s absolutely adorable how they fell in love and is just full of hope and faith.

Jenny is the youngest daughter of three and the diamond of the family. She’s the reason her family is in London for the season away from their country home to snatch up a wealthy husband. Not just that but for that said husband to also pay off her gambling of a father’s debts. Not something she’s willing to do but what can she say, she’s just a girl and her father always has his way.

But she knows better and being sold off like a piece of meat is not in her books. Speaking of books, she loves them. Having been a sickly child, books had been her salvation and escape. Poems and fiction had brought her words of wisdom, plus adventures and hopes for true love. Love, all she want is to find a man like those in the books she reads. Why can’t we all? As Jenny had put it:

“So, was it wrong to hope to meet a man like the ones she read about in novels? Adventurous men, daring men, empathetic and compassionate men? Men who were not like her father or most of the others she had met? She could envy her sister Serena’s Evan, the squire’s son . . . but, please God, she would appreciate it if this imaginary man, born out of her reading and dreaming, was a great deal more intelligent than her sister’s plodding beau. And was it too much to ask that he be handsome, articulate, and somewhat younger than the Marquess of Stowe or any of the other gentlemen toward whom her father pushed her?” — 133

But of course, Mr. Morris is that very man from her books came to life as her savoir.

Fyclan Morris is Irish and wealthy as a Duke, maybe even more with his smart investment and business achievements. He has blood of a gypsy and believes in fate and Destiny. His Gran has foretold his future and seen great things for him so why would finding “the one” be so difficult? Well, it’s not. He’s seen her golden hair and purposeful strides, read her mind and adore her bookish intelligence, so nothing is going to stop him from marrying her. The only problem is her father. Once a partner in the company and forced to retire now sees Fyclan as an enemy.

But Fyclan will beat the odds as fate has or is already running its course and his fate says that Jenny will be his wife and the mother of his children. He’s determined and won’t let something like a past feud stop him from his destiny.

These two are meant for each other and it’s just super adorable how Fyclan just new Jenny was the one at first sight. I loved that we got to know a bit from his childhood on his stance on his Gran’s visions and how he grew to cherish them and even live by them. I also love how positive he is throughout the whole story. Sure he had fears for Jenny but nothing scared him to not do something, he knew what he wanted and he did it, proudly and honestly like a gentleman. He was very open to his feelings and thoughts and didn’t hide it from Jenny which helped her a lot on her own stand to be independent and stands up for herself.

Jenny has always listened to her parents and has done the right things but because she is put in a position that can call for the downfall of her family, she can’t really do things for herself. She’s a likable character and is the most realistic character in the story because of problems she has to tackle and overcome, and how she changed throughout the story.

Overall this was a very heartwarming, magical and sweet story. It absolutely made me believe in faith and destiny, and hopeful that love is all you need to fight it all. This was definitely a great start into a new series and I’ll definitely be grabbing the first full length book in the series when it releases this November.

*This book was provided by the publisher for an honest review.

arc ebook own

4,291 reviews502 followers

June 1, 2016

Such a sweet insta-love filled prologue to this series by CM. I really enjoyed the short read- especially the library scenes. Both H/h were uber lovable. 4/5

safety-first v-card

2,072 reviews723 followers

July 26, 2022

A Little Thing Called Love is a historical romance prequel novella in Cathy Maxwell’s Marrying the Duke series. This was a short sort of fated/insta love romance between an Irish self made man hero and the heroine, a woman his grandmother prophesied he would meet and marry one day.

In London for the season, the heroine’s father is demanding she marry a titled gentleman with money because he (her father) needs his own gambling debts paid. The heroine is in desperate need of a book to get her through these trying times and finds herself at a private lending library of sorts. The hero had spotted her earlier in the day and remembered what his Romany Gran told him for years and “knows” the heroine is his true love. So he ends up paying her entrance fee to the private library and this is how they first meet. Her father doesn’t want her seeing the hero so instead they start sneaking love letters to one another through her daily book deliveries.

It was cute that they were both book lovers. The heroine has suffered from dizzy spells all throughout her life and has been told she probably would never be able to have children. Which of course, as soon as that was brought up I could tell where the story would end and definitely side-eyed that it “had” to be played out that way. We do get a Gretna Green wedding and exchanging vows over the anvil which was fun. All in all, this was okay and a quick novella.

audiobook historical-romance novella

19 reviews

January 17, 2022

this was short, but so good nonetheless 😭❤️ absolutely in love.

1,284 reviews139 followers

September 12, 2015

I'm not usually into short stories (or maybe this is more of a novella). I just find that shorter stories don't give me enough time or detail to really connect with the story and the character. So I was so pleasantly surprised by this quick little prequel and can't wait to read the rest of the series!!!

Fyclan Morris is a proud Irishman who has made his fortune with the East India Trading Company. With a Romany grandmother who foretold his destiny of love a great and successful legacy for his lineage, Fyclan instantly knows when he has crossed paths with this great love. With his grandmother's words echoing in his ear, he sets off after the beautiful woman despite warnings to the contrary.

"You'll recognize her immediately," his Gran had said. "She'll be fair to your dark, a light to your step, a force you will not deny. ... "When you meet this woman, hold on to her," she'd said. "You're children's children will be dukes and princes. They will stride the world. But first, you must meet the woman.

Jennifer Tarleton has always been frail and used books to escape the stresses in life. Now that her gambling-addict father has returned home from his military campaigns, Jennifer has more stress than ever and is in desperate search of a book to borrow. Her determined search is what brings her into contact with our hero. Jennifer also experiences that instant spark with Fyclan, and what follows is a love story that you will root for. Because's its so short, I don't want to give anything else away.

This story was all about hope and faith and believing in your destiny. It was an uplifting read, and a wonderful set up for the series which will begin with The Match of the Century on November 24, 2015. With a prequel this good, I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 5 stars / 2 flames.

arc million-page-challenge read-2015

444 reviews

September 24, 2015

What a magical love story to start Cathy Maxwell's new series, Marrying the Duke! This is the love story of Fyclan and Jenny. Their love was foretold by Fyclan's gypsy grandmother. They share a love of books which helped bring them together. This novella can easily be read in an evening and you won't put it down. The heroine in the first book of the trilogy, "Match of the Century", is the daughter of Jenny and Fyclan. I enjoyed this novella and can't wait for Elin's story in November.

798 reviews79 followers

September 27, 2015

1.5 stars

Do you remember those old childrens' tales we read? Wherein the characters face a dire fate, yet go about their day singing songs and being so damned earnest about everything?

The hero and heroine of this story are like that..

A classic tale of infatuation at first sight that leads to them abandoning all sense of self preservation and common sense.


1,073 reviews86 followers

March 25, 2017

A great introduction to Maxwell's new series, Marrying the Duke. This novella was a sort of prequel to the series. It had a little bit of enchantment and a lot of charm.

historical-romance kindle-books

1,144 reviews23 followers

December 26, 2018

There’s very little room for conflict in this long novella, a prequel to a series I may be willing to read. But this author is DECIDEDLY in the women-want-to-be-taken-care-of,men-want-to-care-for camp, and her paragons of businessmen are pretty annoying. A bookish heroine and Irish hero (ethnicity stands in for all sorts of qualities in modern romance, this time a marker of Real Masculinity compared to those namby-pamby Brit Aristocrats) fall in love with some father-resents-the-fellow nonsense. The HEA includes some kind of suburban wonderland, sorry, country estate. I’m beginning to wonder is “Irish” or “Scottish” is supposed to feel exotic in these books. Certainly few heroes are ever Spanish, French, Scandinavian, Russian, Polish...and NO ONE is of color or of a different continent, unless they’re UK descendants from the US. One more reason to be annoyed by modern “historical” romance. By insisting on exoticized but really not heroes or heroines, authors manage to highlight and insist on everyone’s whiteness. Perhaps this is the only piece of historical accuracy they feel like clinging to, since they aren’t bothered much by accuracy anywhere else.

January 3, 2020

I haven't read many historicals, but I was very charmed by this one. I appreciated the strong female lead who knew her mind, and that the male lead not only embraced her fully, but grew stronger in her strength. I liked how the author was able to use the social norms of the time period to the characters advantage. I did not like the arrangement during the epilogue, even though I know it's the set up for the series to come. It was such an about face to everything that came before that I just could not rate this a 5-star. However ... the rest of the book makes me want to read more, so I'll be checking out the series this prequel leads into.

audiobook cmcon2020 scribd

781 reviews182 followers

July 18, 2017

On it's own I don't think this story holds up. But after reading the first one it was fun backstory on the parents. Is it way to insta lovey? Absolutely. Its it too short? Yes. Did there need to be more character development and time for the characters to get to know each other? Yup! But I still liked the knowledge it gave me.

7,433 reviews147 followers

September 16, 2015





Release Date: September 22, 2015


Grandmother, grandmother, who shall it beWho shall it be who will marry me?Duke, Earl, a powerful marquess?When my heart is given to Fyclan Morris…

In New York Times bestselling author Cathy Maxwell's new novella, beautiful Jennifer Tarleton has no lack of noble suitors, but the only man who captures her attention is the one her father will never let her marry: Fyclan Morris. He's a brash adventurer, witty, courageous…and Irish! Even worse, her father blames her for their reversal of fortune…

And it's a fortune—or rather, his grandmother the fortune teller—who foretold that Fyclan would meet "the one,", a love prophesied in the stars. He vows nothing will stand in the way of making Jennifer his bride, but is the price too high? Or is a thing called love worth every challenge?


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A Little Thing Called Love by Cathy MaxwellMy rating: 5 of 5 starsWhen I was younger Cathy Maxwell was one of the authors I could never get enough of. My bookshelves were full of her books and I never got tired of reading them. As I got older and life became more fast pace and complicated I lost track of many authors that I followed including Cathy Maxwell. I could not believe it when I stumbled across A Little Thing Called Love on Edelweiss. I knew I had to read it. The enchanting characters, the beautifully written words and the feeling of being transported back in time proved euphoric. Jennifer was a dreamer that longed to be loved and instead endured many heartbreaking setbacks. Flycan has sought acceptance and love he wants to believe in the fantasy of happily ever after and a better life. Armed with his grandmother's prophetic words he sets out. This story is for the true romantics and dreamers in all of us. It was great to rediscover why I enjoy reading this author. View all my reviews

About Author: Cathy Maxwell

CATHY MAXWELL spends hours in front of her computer pondering the question, "Why do people fall in love?" It remains for her the mystery of life and the secret to happiness.She lives in beautiful Virginia with her children, horses, dogs, and cats.

Goodreads: //www.goodreads.com/cathymaxwell

Website: //cathymaxwell.com/

edelweiss first-reads

993 reviews36 followers

October 7, 2017

Pros: Some genuinely sweet scenes, particularly in the post-relationship era (which is a definite weakness of mine). Interesting concepts. It's a pretty okay HR book.

Cons: It suffers from a bad case of telling and not showing, what with the narrative assuring us that every instinct, feeling and unsubstantiated conclusion drawn by the protagonists was the gospel truth.

There's also a rather curious case of insta-love. The hey-this-actually-makes-sense circumstances of the protagonists (prophetic grandmother and yearning for more than a shity family respectively) would have worked very well if only they hadn't begun to mentally renounce everything else in their life as insignificant less than a day after meeting each other. The narrative tries to solve this by having them exchange lovelorn letters after the realization of true love. I feel like this was a missed opportunity- a little rearrangement of the timeline and emotions would have taken away about a third of my issues with the story.

Another issue is semi-supernatural elements in historical romance. Suspension of disbelief works if the hero's grandmother had a gift for premonitions. I mean, it's unlikely but I can buy it for the sake of the story. This become a lot more unbelievable if everyone has romance-based psychic powers which assure them of both the infallibility of their actions and the fate (and existance) of their future offspring.

Verdict: Had potential. Could have been better.

715 reviews32 followers

March 29, 2016

A cute little love story providing some background for this series. Fyclan Morris, a wealthy Irish merchant, sees Jennifer and it is love at first sight. He always knew it would happen that way because his Romany grandmother foretold it. Jennifer was set to be married to a wealthy titled gentleman of her father's choosing to cover her father's heavy gambling debts and save the family from ruin. But, fortunately, Jennifer didn't let that happen. Even though Fyclan bailed out her family, they still disinherited her. I found that part quite sad. But I was proud of Jennifer for following her heart and doing what she knew to be right for her. I'm hoping this will be a good series.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

library-copy maxwell-cathy

465 reviews20 followers

September 16, 2015

A lovely story that will begin a new series for Cathy Maxwell. I loved it!!! A true love at first sight story. A man who knows he has just found the love of his life and a young lady realizes that she has never really truly felt valued or loved by her family. Jenny and Fyclan are truly meant for each other and will do anything to be together and they do. Cathy writes beautiful, passionate, soulful love stories that are a joy to read. Her plots and characters are surprising, clever and inventive. A great novella.

4,941 reviews140 followers

November 15, 2016

I loved this introduction (novella) to the series Marrying the Duke. Do true love exist and can it be foreseen? This questions is answered and the life of one Miss is put to the test. I loved getting to know Jenn. I loved that she took a stand for herself. I was sad at some of the outcomes but it was to be expect from the time. On to the next.

borrowed_book historical_romance quickie-read

292 reviews32 followers

February 24, 2016

This was a quick, light, heartwarming read. I think I would have appreciated it more, had I read The Match of the Century first.

2016 borrowed

247 reviews9 followers

May 4, 2016

Good narration, a super quick listen, now I'm curious about the rest of the series.

4,506 reviews107 followers

June 10, 2019

A terrific little novella that introduces the series Marrying the Duke. I didn't know about this story until after I read the main books, but it made no difference to my enjoyment of it. This is the story of the parents of the heroine in the first book, The Match of the Century. Jenny is the youngest daughter of the family and the most beautiful of the three. Her father is determined that Jenny will marry well enough to rescue him from his gambling debts. Jenny isn't thrilled with any of her suitors but is willing to do as she must - until she meets the bold and handsome Fyclan Morris.

Fyclan is an Irishman with a gift for making money. He is an officer with the East India Company and has been charged with recruiting various noblemen as investors. He is distracted from his goal when he catches sight of Jenny. He immediately recognizes her as "The One" his gypsy grandmother predicted for him. Even the knowledge that her father hates him doesn't deter Fyclan from his pursuit of Jenny.

I loved Fyclan's complete belief in his grandmother's prediction. His initial meeting with Jenny was very cleverly handled. I especially loved the fact that while he appreciated her beauty, it was her intelligence that he was drawn to. Jenny was stunned to encounter a gentleman who wasn't put off by her height or her bookishness and was thrilled to find someone who saw past the surface to who she was. Because of her father's attitude, their relationship was not an easy one. The method that Fyclan devised to enable him and Jenny to get to know each other was clever and very effective. But with time running out, he had to act fast. Jenny's father lived down to my expectations with his reaction to Fyclan's proposal. I loved seeing Jenny overcome her fears and believe in their love enough to go after what she wanted. I thoroughly enjoyed the epilogue and seeing how happy she and Fyclan are, and that the best revenge is being happy.

2019-books-read historical-romance novella

1,563 reviews22 followers

May 28, 2018

A short story in which the two characters are fated to be together and that's about all that is needed to convince them. I'm okay with date but the short length of the novella makes it hard for any character depth.

Lots of impractical moments occur, and some do make me roll my eyes. The story is a little sappy (see the moment Jennifer loses her virginity).

Biggest problem: female lead spends the entire novella trying to gain independence, and thus choose her own husband...... then agrees to an arranged marriage for her infant daughter. What the hell?

historical-romance mini-read randomly-picked

212 reviews2 followers

August 20, 2019

Fyclan has been told of the women who would love by his grandmother's visions. When he sets eyes on Jennifer, he knows she is the one. I loved the aspects of the books and the private library where they first laid eyes on one another. The way Cathy Maxwell places that theme throughout this novella and bringing them together. Genius! A sweet, quick read with a wonderful Happily Ever After.


December 1, 2019

I really enjoyed this cute read. Two intelligent strong willed main characters who fell in love at first site. This book was about the challenges they had to face to make that love become true for them. I will admit that the ending threw me a bit based on the struggles that had to face on their journey to be together. But overall it was a cute, quick read.

Is A Little Thing Called First Love worth watching?

I personally enjoyed watching this. It had Kuanlin first of all, but besides that, this is one of those romcom dramas that leave you feeling positive nonetheless. A few times I felt that the acting was a bit cringe but other than that, I'd definitely recommend!

What is the crazy little thing called love about?

A junior schoolgirl Nam (Pimchanok Luevisetpaiboon) falls in love for her schoolboy senior Chone (Mario Maurer) but is afraid to show her feeling to him, partly because Chone is the everyone's idol and Nam regards herself as unpopular, homely looking, and average. She has nothing that can make him notice her.

Where was a little thing called First Love filmed?

Filming took place in Shenzhen.

Who is the male lead in a little thing called first love?

Xia Miao Miao's new friends convince her to join the university drama club – where the dashing Liang You Nian (Lai Kuanlin, formerly of K-pop group Wanna One) is the star performer. Smitten with Liang You Nian's charms, Xia Miao Miao resolves to change everything about herself in order to win his attention.

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