A change from an unacceptable accounting principle





1.Accounting Policies

Accounting policies are the specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices

applied by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements.

An entity shall select and apply its accounting policies consistently for similar

transactions, other events and conditions, unless a Standard or an Interpretation

specifically requires or permits categorization of items for which different policies may

be appropriate.

If a Standard or an Interpretation requires or permits such categorization, an

appropriate accounting policy shall be selected and applied consistently to each


.Change in Accounting Policy A change from one acceptable accounting policy to another

acceptable accounting policy. If the change is from an unacceptable accounting policy it shall

be treated as a correction of an error.

Cases or circumstances to change accounting policy:

a.Is required by a standard or interpretation; or

b.Results in the financial statements providing reliable and more relevant

information about the effects of transactions, other events or conditions on the entity's

financial position, financial performance, or cash flows.

c.Note that changes in accounting policies do not include applying an accounting

policy to a kind of transaction or event that did not exist in the past. Neither is a change

from a accounting principle that is not acceptable to one that is acceptable a change in

accounting policy.

Treatment of Changes in Accounting Policies

By applying the transitional provision if the change is either required by a standard

or interpretation or Retrospective Application

Retrospective application means adjusting the opening balance of each affected

component of equity for the earliest prior period presented and the other comparative

amounts disclosed for each prior period presented as if the new accounting policy had

always been applied.

However, if it is impracticable to determine either the period, specific effects or the

cumulative effect of the change for one or more prior periods presented, the entity shall

apply the new accounting policy to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities as at

the beginning of the earliest period for which retrospective application is practicable,

which may be the current period, and shall make a corresponding adjustment to the

opening balance of each affected component of equity for that period.

Also, if it is impracticable to determine the cumulative effect, at the beginning of the

current period, of applying a new accounting policy to all prior periods, the entity shall

adjust the comparative information to apply the new accounting policy prospectively

from the earliest date practicable.


What is considered a change in accounting principle?

There is a change in accounting principle when: There are two or more accounting principles that apply to a particular situation, and you shift to the other principle; or. When the accounting principle that formerly applied to the situation is no longer generally accepted; or.

What are the three types of accounting changes?

There are three type of changes in accounting namely; Change in accounting, Change in accounting estimates and change in reporting entities. It includes changes in the value through cash and accrual basis and generating true financial statement.

What is a change in accounting policy?

Changes in accounting policies results in the financial statements providing reliable and more relevant information about the effects of transactions, other events or conditions on the entity's financial position, financial performance, or cash flows.

How should a change from one generally accepted accounting principle to another?

Voluntary changes in accounting principles should be applied retroactively to the beginning of the earliest period presented in the financial statements (i.e., so that the comparative financial statements reflect the application of the principle as if it had always been used), unless it is impracticable to do so.

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