1 to 10 scale là gì - Nghĩa của từ 1 to 10 scale

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

The rating scale for people's looks. It goes like this. 1- Monster can't look at them or they'll burn your eyes out.
2- Heinous, Busted- Needs plastic surgery.
3- Plain Ugly- Someone who was born ugly.
4- Below Average/Unattractive- Someone you'd never go out with.
5-Average, could be slightly unnatractive, someone you wouldn't look at twice.
6- Barely Do-able, that's if they're "endowed" in other places. If not, you most likely wouldn't. But they can look ok if they try hard.
7- Cute/Doable- someone you wouldn't be ashamed of. Definitely Date material/maybe more.
8-General Hot/Good Looking- May or may not be exotic looking or just average hot, but definitely someone you'd fuck, want to have a long term relationship with.
9-Super Smoking Hot- People you don't see in public often and someone you'd die to fuck.
10- Perfection- dosen't exist but someone can be as high as a 9.9, close to it.


The 1-10 Scale is pretty accurate.

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

1 – Beyond Ugly 2 – Ugly 3 – Near Ugly 4 – Below average 5 – Average: You’re friends wouldn’t be impress! 6 – Above Average/Cute: No major complaints. 7 – Very Attractive/Hot/Pretty or Handsom: Someone you’re proud to show off in public. He or She gets a lot of attention. 8 – “Beautiful” (man or woman)/All of a 7 and more: Brag about having. 9 – Drop-dead Gorgeous/Outrageously Beautiful/All of an 8 and more: minimal flaw that is over looked by most. 10 – close to “Perfect”/One in a million: This person has a very beautiful symmetrical face, excellent body with great proportion, dresses well, knows how to carry himself or herself...


How hot is he/she on the 1-10 Scale?

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

1-Hideous, you can't stand looking at them and is just awful looking and unattractive. 1 1/2-Still not good looking but close to being almost just ugly. For a 1 1/2 means a lot. 2-Monster 3-You just don't find them attractive and can't help the way you feel. 3 is a harsh rating but usually easy to get over. 4-Just plain ugly 5-Average, may be slightly good looking but long way 5 1/2-So close to getting past average 6-Cute, they don't make you horny. 7-Attractive but doesn't make you sexually driven. 8-Hot 9-Sexy 10-You find them completely SEXY! You would have sexual relations with them.


Trey: What is Linda on a 1-10 scale? Aaron: Eww, she's a 2.

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

The 1-10 scale of attractiveness is a rating system of a person's physical appearance. 1 denoting a horrifically ugly person and a 10 denoting an exceptionally beautiful person.
5 is of course average; most people fall within the ranges of 4, 5 and 6. If you are lucky you are a 7 or above, if you are unlucky you are a 3 or below. Used largely in the speed dating scene or by college fraternities/sororities.


"By the way, I'm dating Kathy now."
"What? She's like a "5" at best on the 1-10 scale, bro."
"I know, but I still love her."

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

The scale used to determine the physical attractiveness of another person. Can also include personality, but let's face it, not usually.


Guy 1: hey did you see that girl? She's a total 10 on a 1-10 scale
Guy 2: you know it bro, just got her number

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

1-10 scale is used to define someone's attractiveness. This is how it is: 1- Hideous. Burns your eyes out. You don't even want to look at them. You would never date them, not even if someone payed you 5 million dollars. 2- Still very ugly. Plastic surgery needed.
You wouldn't date them ever. 3- You'd be able to look at them, maybe be friends. They're unattractive 4-Under average, with tons of make-up they could be ok looking.
5- Your friends wouldn't be impressed at all. Doesn't make a good impression on anyone actually. With lots of makeup your friends could agree they're fine. 6- Average-abover average. Cute. Friends would like them, short term relationship.
7- Above average, good looking definitely. Dateable. 8- Hot. Would impress your friends. Long term relationship possible.
9- Very rare. Very hot and makes your friends extremely jealous of you. Keep them.
10- perfect. Absolutely perfect. Keep them. Super rare.


Guy 1: what do you think that girl is rated on a 1-10 scale?
Guy 2: probably a 6. She's cute.
Guy 1: Nah man, I'd say an 8. She's hoooot.

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

1. Normal person
2. Normal person
3. Normal person
4. Normal person
5. Normal person
6. Normal person 7. Normal person
8. Normal person
9. Normal person
10. Perfection/ not actually seen in the wild
12. My Girlfriend


"Alexa you are a 12 out of 10 on the 1-10 scale"
"Ray your girlfriend is a 12 out of 10 on the 1-10 scale"

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

A scale where 10 is the hottest and 1 is the fugliest


On a 1-10 scale: Damn that' girls ass is a 10 but her face is a 2

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

The one to ten scale measures how attractive a girl or a guy is. For example:
1: Absolutely hideous, can't even look at him/her
2: Pretty damn ugly
3: Gross
4: Unattractive
5. Not cute, not ugly, just average.
6. Decent looking, but not usually anyone's first choice.
7. Cute
8. Attractive
9. Very Attractive
10. Perfection Most everybody uses the one to ten scale, but in different ways. For instance, someone may label someone as a 1, and another person may label them as a 10, and vice versa. It's all a matter of opinion.


Jack: Dude look at Bailey over there, isn't she a 10/10 on the 1 to 10 scale?
Joe: Ehh I'd give her about a 7 or so.
John: Are you guys kidding? She's hella ugly! She's a 2 at the most.

1 to 10 scale có nghĩa là

A rating of the attractiveness of any person male or female on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the most ogre-like troglodyte to ever walk the earth and 10 being a literal god or goddess


Guy1: Hey check out that hottie at the bar, she's a perfect 10 Guy2: You've got Beer goggles on she's more like a low 4 Guy1: Your 1-10 Scaling is off

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