1-10 attractiveness scale là gì - Nghĩa của từ 1-10 attractiveness scale

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

Simply put, a universal scale use to describe to your friends how attractive a person is, usually whilst recounting a story. The scale only ranks up to 9/10, since perfection is never achieved. 'Bonus Points' can be awarded if the person in question has certain qualities that you yourself find attractive. The ranking is as follows.
1) Hideous
There is literally nothing on this godforsaken planet that could even make you want to hug the subject. NOTHING.
2) Ugly
This is rock bottom. If you wake up in bed next to a 2/10, consider leaving the country.
3) Quite bad
You might, but ONLY if you were either thirteen pints in, or incredibly desperate.
4) Underwhelming
Maybe the subject has eyes slightly far apart, but otherwise isn't really that bad. 5) Average
Base standard. Based on looks alone, there's nothing wrong with the subject. Nothing AMAZING, but certainly nothing wrong.
6) Reasonably attractive
This subject is cute. You wouldn't go out of your way to find them on Facebook, but you would turn to your mates, pull a 'Not Bad' face and nod in acknowledgement
7) Pretty fit
The subject is pretty. Maybe has a few orbiters, at that. 8) Beautiful Subject is really gonna go far with that face of their's. Potential model or actor/actress?
9) Gorgeous
This is - at base value - the highest ranking that one person can get. 10)
The subject is a solid 9/10, but also has a certain quality that appeals to you. Be it temperament, physical looks or maybe kink-appeal.


Jennifer: Ooooooh, gurl, check out that fireman over there (or something like that), how would you put him on the 1-10 Attractiveness Scale? He is a straight up 9/10!
Stacey: Yeah, but I like guys in uniform, that puts him up to a 10/10 for me! Both girls proceed to continue their coffees, watching the apartment block across from them burn to the ground, in pure admiration of the firecrew.

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

The scale you're supposed to use when someone asks to be rated on social media, 10 being perfect, 1 meaning you wouldn't touch the person with a 10 foot pole. Entertaining game to play with your mates or squad, using the scale on people walking by. 10 - Perfect or near perfect physical appearance and personality. 9 - 1 or 2 small things you don't like about them, but still they're hot as fuck.
8 - Multiple small things wrong with their appearance, but doesn't impact your want for them to a great extent.
7 - Solidly attractive, usually have the best personalities. 6 - Deeeecent.
5 - Meh, this commonly includes people with nice bodies, but ugly faces or vice versa. (See Jillian Michaels
4 - Bangable, if intoxicated enough.
3 - 1 or 2 good qualities. Maybe if you were paid enough ?
2 - Would not bang. Ugly inside and out.
1 - Repulsive in just about every way, you avoid this person because you either feel bad, or don't want to catch the ugly. Someone you couldn't be paid enough to sleep with.


Trent - I use the 1-10 Attractiveness Scale to determine who's hot and who's not lol. _ Willy - Dude, I just smashed with Katelyn, she's a fucking 10. Travis - Tru dat. - Brady - Reagan is hot, but she's not perfect, she's like a 7. _ John - Damn bro, Lindsey is looking hot right now.. Carter - John you're wayy too drunk, she's a solid 4. John - Maybe you're right, I'll put a bag over her head. _ Mikey - Damn, AmyLyn is a fucking ugly slut bitch. Face full of acne, pube forest pussy, 150 pounds overweight, she the whole package of ugly. She got the personality of a moody humpback whale during its time of the month, but with her it's all the time. You couldn't pay me to hit that sack of shit.

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

1-4: Nope.
5: Meh. Not good, not bad.
6: Alright. One night stands.
7: Can sustain relationship. Braggable to family.
8: WIFE! Braggable to friends.
9: Keep! Keep! Keep!
10: Fairy tale. Get a 8 or a 9.


1-10 Attractiveness Scale
Dude, I smashed last night.
How attractive?
Bruh, you are high! There is now way you scored a 10!

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

the 1-10 attractiveness scale is a symmetrical density curve in which the mean is 5. As you move further away from the mean (5), fewer and fewer people meet those numbers. Thus, that 10 you're looking for is really just as rare as you think.


Greg: yo, where does Cathie fall on the 1-10 attractiveness scale? Bill: Honestly, she's one in a million, gotta be an 8.

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

A scale in which women (or men) are grouped in a scale of 1 to 10, A 1 would be your nan or a bull and a 10 would be a giraffe in a bikini...


Steve: "You ever heard of the 1-10 Attractiveness scale." Ben: "Nah explain."
Steve: "Name's on the tin..."
Ben: "K........
Your sister's a 10."
Steve: "You Cu**."

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

A broad way for men and women (mostly men) to rate the sexual attractiveness of the opposite (or same) gender, starting with the movie "10"


Did you see how hot she was? She was a 10 for sure
She was okay, more like an 8 to me
1-10 attractiveness scale

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

The 1-10 attractiveness scale is a looks rating system popularized by Bo Derek in the movie 10. She sets the bar as an extremely attractive young woman with an hourglass figure and a pretty face. The rating system is subjective, prone to misuse, and can be perceived as shallow and sexist. An attractive person rates between a five and ten with ten being the most attractive. An unattractive person will rate between 1 and 5 with 1 meaning ugly and 5 being plain or ordinary but not ugly. Everyone has their own ideas of what's attractive to them, but their rating could also be affected by the opinions of their friends and whatever's trending. Typically a ten female will be young, busty, slender and have nice hair and pretty face. A ten male will be athletic or have well developed muscles, tall, young and handsome face.


Question: Who is today's hottest actor? Who is your idea of a perfect 10 on the 1-10 attractiveness scale? Male movie goer: That actress who plays Harley, Margo Robbie, is a ten.
Female movie goer: Chris Hemsworth, you know, that guy who plays Thor, he's a ten.

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

A way to determine how good looking a person is.


"Dude, on a 1-10 attractive scale how hot is Mila Kunis?" "Solid 9 dude."

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

From 1-10, anyone can quickly and easily describe the attractiveness of any man or woman (or other gender). Rated by their immediately noticeable attractiveness, 1 is lowest, and 10 is highest.


On the 1-10 Attractiveness Scale, I slept with a 10 last night! They were a nice pair of 5s.

1-10 attractiveness scale có nghĩa là

1-10 Means a girl attractive level 1 being butt ugly 10 being godly gorgeous


MAN WHAT DO YOU THINK LUCY IN ATTRACTIVE LEVEL IS 1-10 attractive scale? I'll give her a 7 because she's not that smart.

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